October TBR List

Posted October 1, 2014 / Other Memes, TBR Lists / 7 Comments

I’m pretty bad at sticking to my TBR list – even when I specifically put the books in order on my “To Read First” shelf. I tried my best to organize by what I want to read, since I don’t have a lot of books right now with deadlines that need to be read. (Although that could change, of course.) Here’s my somewhat flexible TBR list for October. These are the top 30 books I plan on reading or will be reading in October!

october TBR* Those of you who have read the Throne of Glass series — would you recommend reading the Assasin’s Blade book of novellas first?? I’ve heard mixed thoughts on this!

7 responses to “October TBR List

  1. Dissonance and One Past Midnight look good! I’ve heard that though the novellas are a prequel it’s better if you’ve read the novel first. I haven’t read either yet though. I never ever stick to my to be read list unless they’re arcs, so I’ve stopped pretending. Happy reading. 🙂

    • Thank you! Yeah I’m excited for those two. Someone who read the novellas first was really glad they did and recommended that to me, but I’m not sure. They were released later so realistically I don’t feel like I have to read that first!

  2. Alise (Readers in Wonderland)

    I’ve read the Throne of Glass series multiple times now and I always recommend reading at least Throne of Glass before The Assassin’s Blade, preferably Crown of Midnight too. Then once you read the novellas go into Heir of Fire. That’s what I’ve always done and everything just seems to fit together really well that way, plus everything is all the more emotional then and you get to see the main character’s development so much better. I hope you like the series, it’s probably my all time favorite fantasy series.

    I really want to read Dissonance too, that cover is soooo pretty! I’m also looking forward to On the Fence, West’s books are always good. Plus I’ve only seen positive reviews.

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