Top Ten Hyped Books I’ve Never Read
(Newer Releases I Plan to Read or Won’t Read)
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I feel like I’ve done some similar posts to this one before! I’ve decided to do a little twist on this one, and make it the top ten hyped new releases (within the last 6 months or so) that I haven’t read yet – and whether or not I think I’ll ever read them! I always add the hyped books to my TBR but never seem to be in the mood to read them. I have a feeling that a lot of them will slip by me and I’ll never read them, but there are some I’m definitely still interested in getting to at some point.
Everyone seemed to be super excited for these two before their release! I actually even started to listen to an audiobook of The Wrath and the Dawn, but ended up quitting. I wasn’t really into the story and had a hard time keeping track of the characters. I will probably try this one again at some point, but I’m not sure! I’ll definitely need to read the print copy if I do. I preordered An Ember in the Ashes when there was a major Kindle deal, but the book doesn’t really appeal to me. It seems like people either loved it or really disliked it/couldn’t get into it, so I don’t think I’ll ever bother with it!
Ink and Bone was defintely hyped for a while and it’s actually being released today! A lot of bookworms are kind of all over it because it’s about books and libraries; I know that’s why I added it to my TBR. I’m surprised that not a lot of people have read ARCs yet, so I’m not sure if it lives up to the hype. It does seem like a book I’ll read at some point. Uprooted has been super hyped lately and I’ve seen very few people who didn’t like it that much. I’m reading it for July’s IRL book club, so I’ll definitely be getting to it within the next two weeks or so!
I know that I’ll Give You the Sun is not really considered a new release anymore, since it came out in September last year, but I felt like I had to include it. Many people really loved this one. I’ve seen a few quotes from it and the writing seems very lyrical and uses metaphors like We Were Liars. I didn’t like the writing in that one at all so I don’t see myself reading this hyped book at any point, really. The Girl at Midnight has kind of a cool concept but it never really screamed MY name when people were getting excited about it. I don’t think I’ll read it, but it remains on my TBR… Sometimes excitement is just too contagious!
I own copies of both of these and will certainly get to them at some point! The Royal We has been really hyped up for contemporary readers lately and I have to admit that I’m curious. I’m not a fan of the royals and haven’t followed them at all, but I’m still interested in this book for some reason. It seems really interesting and the reviews have been great! The Orphan Queen was hyped up for a while but I haven’t gotten to it yet. I even preordered it! Shame on me.
I think a lot of people would be upset with me if I decided to pass on I’ll Meet You There! There’s no doubt in my mind that I will read this at some point, especially because my awesome Secret Sister bought it for me! I can’t think of any real excuses for my lateness to this party, but I’ll make sure to read it within the next few months, I hope!! A Darker Shade of Magic has been hyped up, to say the least… It sounds like an interesting premise but I have a weird feeling I would be confused. I’d like to try Schwab’s YA novels first, I’m pretty sure.
I love your graphics in this post! I really enjoyed A Darker Shade of Magic- it wasn’t really confusing, especially if you read the blurb on the inside cover first so you sort of have an idea of what’s going on. I feel the same way about The Girl at Midnight. It’s just not for me! Anyways, great list! 🙂
Thank you!
I haven’t a heard of most of these books. I did read I’ll Give You the Sun last year, and it’s nothing like We Were Liars. I loved I’ll Give You the Sun. And I kind of hated We Were Liars.
From a writing perspective, some of the quotes from I’ll Give You the Sun have a lot of metaphors in them. Like We Were Liars, when the author said stuff about how her father “shot her in the heart” and made it seem like it really happened. I’m not sure how to explain it haha
Hmm. I don’t remember those kinds of metaphors. I’ll Give You the Sun blew me away once I got to know the characters. The love was written amazingly well.
Glad you enjoyed!
So far I’ve only read Uprooted on your list, but it was wonderful. I hope you love it! And I have seen I’ll give you the su everywhere lately. I didn’t realize it came out last year. I may give that one a shot though.
I’ve heard a LOT of great things about it! I’m just not sure it’s for me, for some reason lol
Yes I’ve heard excellent things for I’ll Meet You There! I bought it a while ago and still haven’t gotten to reading it so I need to move my butt! And same goes for Uprooted! I’ve been seeing this one EVERYWHERE it’s actually insane.
Nice list, Lauren <33
Thank you <33
I haven’t read any of these. I do own I’ll Give You the Sun though. I read the first chapter and liked it, so I’m hoping to continue it when I finish reading at least one of the books I’m currently in the middle of. I’ve been tempted to pick up a few other ones, but when they start getting overhyped I lost interest.
Yeaaah, I know what you mean!
I’m sure you can already predict the fact that I HIGHLY encourage to read The Orphan Queen. I’ve been a fan of Jodi’s since her first series; I think this new novel of hers is quite awesome. I hope you enjoy it when you get to it! I also think I’ll Meet You There is an amazing read, and I definitely hope you get to it soon.
The Royal We and Uprooted are also on my TBR. Hopefully, I get around to reading them sooner rather than later!
I’m really excited for The Orphan Queen and I’ll Meet You There! I definitely need to carve out more time for them.
I love what you did with this post! I haven’t read ADSOM yet because it kind of intimidates me, but I am more excited to read her other novel Vicious about superhero/villians. I am in the same boat with The Wrath and the Dawn & An Ember in the Ashes.
-Monica @ Tomes Project
Yeah I know what you mean. It seems intimidating!
I really want to check out The Royal We. I’ve heard really mixed things about Ink and Bone though, which is why I won’t be checking that one out.
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I haven’t heard really anything about it yet, so we’ll see!
I really liked An Ember In The Ashes! It was a bit gross in parts, but all-in-all, I liked it!
Good to know!!
Oh you really must read I’ll Give You The Sun. I read We Were Liars and they were NOTHING alike. We Were Liars was just okay, but I’ll Give You The Sun was amazing. I cried at the end of it. I have not read The Orphan Queen and I am thinking I am pass on that one.
Maybe I’ll give it a shot sometime.
I haven’t read any of these, and while I tend to avoid books that are hyped, I must admit, I’m really, really curious about V.E. Schwabs’s books. They all seem to have such unique premises, and I feel like my mind will be blown after reading one of the novels. I just haven’t decided which book I want to read first…
Yeah I know what you mean!
I like how you answered this week’s question with the circles! I think you should read The Wrath and the Dawn! It was fantastic. I liked A Darker Shade of Magic but I didn’t love it, but I feel like I’m the only one. Everyone else says it is great.
Thanks for the help!!
[…] and Memes: Top Ten Tuesday (Hyped Books I’ve Never Read, Stacking the Shelves, Diverse Reads, Books with Fellow Bookworms), Love […]