February TBR

Posted January 30, 2017 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 20 Comments

I used to be terrible at sticking to TBR lists because of mood reading, but I’ve been getting much better at it lately! I want to make TBR lists for each month as a separate post, and hopefully you guys can help me narrow down some choices with a little poll at the bottom too. Here are some options for this month!

On Deck for February…

Contemporaries for Valentine’s Day Feels

Kiss Cam 26 Kisses  Seven Days of You

Kiss Cam / 26 KissesSeven Days of You

These books have been on my TBR forever and two of them are even old ARCs that I should probbbbably read. I love the kissy covers and the romance plots for these! I think it’ll be nice to do a little contemporary binge in the middle of the month for Valentine’s Day. I’ll probably find another to toss in there too but who knows. I think that KISS CAM at the very least is a priority for me. My sister recently read 26 KISSES and wasn’t a huge fan. I’ve had a copy of SEVEN DAYS OF YOU for a very long time and would like to read it in time for a release week review. It seems so cute! I love reading about a different international setting than Europe.

Fantasies for Winter Hibernation

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2) Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5) Frost Like Night (Snow Like Ashes, #3)

Crooked Kingdom / Empire of Storms / Frost Like Night

I want to get some of these fantasy series cracking (and finished, in two cases here). I recently acquired all of these books through different means – preorder, ebook sale, and library hold – and need to crank them out. FROST LIKE NIGHT is for my book club meeting and the other two just NEED to be read! I have a few other fantasy books on my TBR but I wanted to have some options for the end of January.

Audiobook Plans


Six of Crows / Reunion

I plan to reread (via audiobook) SIX OF CROWS before moving on to CROOKED KINGDOM. I’ve been putting it off because other audiobooks keep coming up, but I really want to read these. I hope CK holds my attention in the physical form and the SoC audiobook gets me excited. REUNION didn’t get great reviews but I can’t resist that trope… AND Julie Whalen, my favorite narrator, is narrating the book. Done deal. Why not?

The Forgetting With Malice A Week of Mondays

The Forgetting / With Malice / A Week of Mondays

I am so bad about reading books I’m excited for! I don’t even have any real excuses because I have a copy of all three of these books. I just want to bang out some physical copies this year. I’ve heard mostly great things about all three books, so I can’t decide which ones should make the cut!

Which book should I read of these three?

February TBR Must-Read

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20 responses to “February TBR

  1. I cannot recommend Crooked Kingdom enough! I loved it so much more than Six of Crows! And I really hope you like Seven Days of You more than I did. I wanted so badly to love it but it just didn’t work for me :-/

  2. I’m looking forward to reading Seven Days of You too! I have to re-read SoC before I read CK, but I think I’ll do that this month too.
    Totally voting for The Forgetting because it was AMAZING!
    Happy reading!

  3. I’m trying to be more purposeful about my TBR for each month in 2017 as well, especially so I can try to read more books that align with author events I’m planning to go to! (I always feel like such a poser if I go to hear an author speak but haven’t read any of their books yet). I was reallllllly underwhelmed by With Malice so I don’t recommend that one 🙁

    • Haha I know what you mean! I’m jealous you get author events near you to read by 😉 I usually do it based on me being like HEY YOU SAID YOU’D READ THIS BOOK LAST YEAR C’MON LAUREN.

      I’ve seen mixed reviews! Some liked it and some didn’t. It helps level my expectations when I do get to it 😉

  4. I wanted to vote for all three of those books up there because– I LOVED With Malice– and I really really really want to read The Forgetting and A Week of Mondays, so I want to know what you think of them! Kiss Cam and 26 Kisses look super Valentiney, so I hope you get to those too 🙂

  5. I recently read A Week of Mondays, and I wasn’t a massive fan of it. It was cute but I think I’d rather recommend Sharon Cameron! I’ve also had Kiss Cam on my TBR for ages so I’m eager to see what you’ll think of it. Swoon Reads is my go-to publisher for cutesy contemporary reads.

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