Bookmark Lit Bulletin | March 2017

Posted April 1, 2017 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 8 Comments

BL headerThe Bookmark Lit Bulletin was created to wrap up each month and prepare for the next. I share my book haul, books I read and reviewed, posts I shared, challenge updates, and more from the previous month. I also let you know what may be coming up on the blog in the coming month. You can read past bulletins here. I recently split out my personal posts into the Lauren Lately feature, so this is a bit shorter!

looking backreading lifeI continued being ~in the mood~ to read quite often and didn’t usually push aside reading for TV. I guess there were a few days in February where I straight-up binged books in 1-2 days… and that didn’t really happen in March. I did, however, become addicted to a four book audio series and completed it within the month. Some solid reads overall and I’m excited!

this month in books

17 books read in March

15 new reads   •   0 reread   •   2 DNF
5,369 pages read including 2,790 minutes of audio

Read by source:
6 owned {5 review copies}
11 borrowed {4 review copies}

Read by format:
2 hardcover | 0 paperbacks | 0 ebook
0 novellas, short stories, graphic novels
6 audiobooks | 0 read/listen combos
4 egalleys | 5 physical ARC

47 books read in 2017

46 new reads   •   1 rereads   •   3 DNF
15,348 pages read including 7,723 minutes of audio

Read by format:
7 hardcover | 13 audios or mixes
16 digital books or egalleys
15 paperbacks or physical ARCs

Other reading stats:
24 owned books | 27 borrowed books
22 in a series | 29 standalones
18 backlist books | 27 published in 2017

books so far this year

books read

Average rating for books read in March: 3.79 stars

Highlights & Lowlights


Most Addicting

Pleasant Surprise



All of the books from the month:


challenge progress


Contemporary Romance Challenge

12 this month | 25 read total | 119% complete
Books read from the pre-planned TBR: 0 this month | 2 total

Cure for the Common BreakupMy Not So Perfect LifeBounceDone Dirt CheapA Little Something DifferentWhat to Say Next
New Uses for Old BoyfriendsZenn DiagramPut a Ring On ItSecrets of a Reluctant PrincessOnce Upon a WineAt First Blush

Flights of Fantasy Challenge

2 this month | 13 read total
43% complete

The Best Kind of Magic (Windy City Magic, #1)Zenn Diagram

Rock My TBR Challenge

1 this month | 5 read total
33% complete

Wires and Nerve, Volume 1

Series Enders Challenge

2 this month | 5 read total
50% complete

BounceOnce Upon a Wine

Spring Bingo Challenge

All the books:

Magic: Zenn Diagram – Brant
2017 debut: What I Lost – Ballard
Green cover: What to Say Next – Buxbaum
Multi-POV: A Little Something Different – Hall
Paranormal: The Best Kind of Magic – Cestari
Spring release: Done Dirt Cheap – Lemon
Just words on cover: Secrets of a Reluctant Princess – Griffin
Series finale: Bounce – August
Witches: Windwitch – Dennard (currently reading)
Blue cover: Wires and Nerve – Meyer

Contemporary Romance Challenge Monthly Topic

March: Favorite First Kisses – this is actually a terrible prompt for someone like me with awful bookish memory. I’m only going to include a few very memorable ones because I seriously can’t think of more!

on the blog

Book Reviews

Discussions, Memes, and More

book haul

Breakdown:  5 bought  |  0 borrowed  |  1 gifted  |  1 for review 

The Love InterestThe Other F-Word



Netgalley: The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich

Gift from Tonya: The Other F-Word by Natasha Friend (including this book here because it’s technically an ARC/ review copy)

Purchased and/or free ebooks: Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine, Some Kind of Magic by Mary Ann Marlowe, Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan, Wild Swans by Jessica Spotswood, After Hello by Mhairi McFarlane

Ink and Bone (The Great Library, #1)After HelloSome Kind of Magic

Purchased physical copies: The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray

MaineWild Swans by [Spotswood, Jessica]The Sweet Far Thing (Gemma Doyle, #3)

Secret sister: Grounded by Megan Morrison (Eek! So excited!) plus some candies!


life update

✨ Check out my most recent personal life wrap-up HERE ✨

Life Happenings | Media Addictions | Goals | Favorites | Life Ahead

month in pictures


looking ahead

Top Blog Posts Coming Up

Cover Colors | One of my most obsessed-over covers in the last year was Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee. I enjoyed the book but I have to say, I loved the cover even more. It was a no-brainer that I’d feature it in a Cover Colors post! Get ready for cute springy, floral outfits.

Podcast Recommendations | I’ve been personally recommending podcasts to Cristina via DM and also widely recommending them through various blog posts, but I figured it was time to do a podcast round-up of my recommendations, favorites, and reasons why I became obsessed.

The Opposite of Read-Bait | I loved Michelle’s post about things she doesn’t like to read about in books, so I decided to make my own version. I’m calling it the “opposite of read-bait” because it highlights the words and plot points that deter me from reading a book, instead of the ones that draw me in (like my read-bait series!).

Audio Genres | I love listening to audiobooks and pretty much always have one going. I find myself drawn to certain genres or types of books for different reasons, and I decided to explore why that is. Why do I always reach for fantasy books even though I lose focus half the time? Why do I prefer to read nonfiction/memoirs in this format? Things like that!

Summer Releases to Watch Out For | I did this post last year and had a lot of fun putting it together. I always find myself reading ARCs with summer release dates in the winter, so I’m able to do a “save the date” type of post to highlight them ahead of time. I hope people enjoy them! (This is here from last month because I decided to push it off and include more books!)

Series to Finish…or Not | I joined in with a series-ender challenge this year to try to knock some books off the “unfinished series” TBR. I wanted to highlight those books and series to finish up in 2017. I also wanted to talk about some of the series I was/am on the fence about actually finishing.

Top Books on the TBR

Check out my April TBR post! ?

How was your March?
Anything good planned for April?

8 responses to “Bookmark Lit Bulletin | March 2017

  1. Great reading month!! I ordered Cure for the Common Break Up the other day (and the rest of the series) and am excited for it. You are doing awesome on your challenges! Can’t wait to see some of your upcoming posts. Have a great April!!

  2. I love that you include reading stats for the month and the year – so interesting to look at!

    I’m looking forward to your opposite of read-bait post!

  3. 15 books in March, that’s fantastic!!! I love that your books for the year so far are pretty evenly split between format and source, so interesting. Cure for the Common Breakup has such a fun cover! I had to return my Kinsella library book but I’m looking forward to it in the future 🙂 Wow, you are kicking ass at your challenges, esp Contemp Romance!! I’ve been surprised that my reading this year has been almost equally split between Cont Rom and Fantasy. Yay Bingo! I don’t have any bingos yet either but I’m getting closer. You are such a prolific blogger and I love that because your posts are so great and your blog is so pretty! Grounded, yay!!!! I can’t wait to read the Opposite of Read-Bait because I definitely have some of my own, it’ll be interesting to compare.

    • I know! It’s really weird how it works out that way, split down the middle. It’s almost ALWAYS like that every year and month.

      I am reading so much contemp but really want to switch it up! it’s hard.

      Thank you <33333

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