I know I have full reviews and I have mini review round-ups, but there are some books that could be reviewed in just a few sentences. This is mini round-up I’ll have sometimes for books that really don’t need much more than my small Goodreads review and progress updates say.
First up, we have an incredibly hyped up read that many bloggers have loved. I’ve owned it for a while and we read it for book club, so it was a good excuse to finally put aside the hype. Here’s a quick view of what I thought, because I’m surprised I don’t have a lot more to add??
Next, an incredibly important book that deserves more than a mini review, but I can’t really form the words. I love how all sides of the Black Lives Matter movement were discussed and I hope that anyone who doesn’t somehow see the need for the movement learns a lesson. So powerful.
I loooved Dear Martin! I was so impressed by how much she managed to pack in 200 pages too. I can’t wait to read more from her.
I need to read Aristotle!
Glad you loved both of these Lauren!! I agree that with books like Dear Martin, there is no way a review would be able to accurately express how powerful it truly is. I really hope to get to it one day!
Nice reviews, Lauren! I enjoyed both of these a lot. I know I read each of these in only a couple days. They’re both so important with representation, especially Dear Martin being so relevant right now. I read it right after or The Hate U Give or Long Way Down and it was amazing reading all three of those in a roll. Anyway, I also really like the setup here with the reviews.
Nice reviews, Lauren! I liked both of these a lot and thought they were so important with representation. Ari and Dante for the intersectional marginalization and Dear Martin for being so timely. I read Dear Martin alongside The Hate U Give and Long Way Down and it was amazing to read all three books so close together. Anyway, I really like the format of these books.
Aristotle and Dante is not an all-time favorite for me too, but it definitely was a solid read! I love how quiet the story is and how it went deeper than the adorable romance 🙂
I just read Aristotle and Dante for my young adult literature and reference grad school class, and I was a little underwhelmed. It was a good story, but I was a little bored at times. I also thought the two boys were rather immature at the beginning of the novel for their age…. but perhaps I am wrong. Having the parents play such a large role in both their lives was very cool. I also loved that they were all so different.