Top Ten Tuesdays #221: On the Fence

Posted February 5, 2019 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 13 Comments

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Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I have an unreleased TBR shelf, general to-read shelf, and consideration shelf on Goodreads. I really don’t put unreleased books on the consideration shelf but maybe I should start doing that… because this was tough to pull out a little bit!

The Art of Losing The Cliff House We Rule the Night

The Art of Losing being on here will definitely garner some gasps from friends! I know many people who personally know/love Lizzy Mason from her publishing work, but this book sounds just a little too heavy for me? I have been straying away from non-fluffy contemporaries lately for some reason because I just need the romance and no drama or sadness haha. The Cliff House may be a surprise to some people, who know I am a huge fangirl for the Haven Point series by RaeAnne Thayne. I’m on the fence because its a standalone novel and my favorite thing about her writing is the cozy small towns, explored through multiple books. The synopsis sounds halfway up my alley, so that doesn’t exactly help its case. We Rule the Night is one of a few fantasy books I expect to be on this list because I just never read them when I say I will. I’m not as into the “dressing up as a dude to make it into the military” trope as others are, so this is a maybe for me.

When Summer Ends Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak The Cerulean (Untitled Duology #1) Spectacle 

When Summer Ends sounds kind of like a book I would enjoy, but I didn’t have success with the other Jessica Pennington book I read… so clearly I’m on the fence about reading another! I love summer romances though, so we’ll see. Most of Adi Alsaid’s books end up on my TBR but I haven’t read many of them… aka just one? I liked it enough and vowed to read more, but Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak isn’t overly enticing for me. The Cerulean sounds moderately interesting but Amy Ewing’s first series didn’t appeal to me (and the reviews were mixed), so I’m not sure about her writing? It reminds me a little too much of that other series I read that I literally cannot remember right now. Spectacle grabbed me with the line “A YA murder mystery in which a young reporter must use her supernatural visions to help track down a killer targeting the young women of Paris” … but then the next line states a date way back in history and I’m just not sure about it anymore. I AM trying to be better with reading historical fiction, so I might try it out, but no promises.

The Black Coats You Asked for Perfect When the Sky Fell on Splendor

I liked Colleen Oakes’ other Wonderland-centered series enough, with the final book making the other two sub-par books worth it, but I’m not sure about The Black Coats. The summary intrigued me enough to add it to my list and obviously semi-enjoying the author’s work helps, but something isn’t fully clicking in the synopsis for me to rush out and read it. You Asked For Perfect did make it on my TBR for some reason but this honestly feels like the book on here that I’m least likely to read. Early reviews discuss how stressful it is and books about super-smart people and class ranking battles just isn’t my cup of tea anymore? I was super excited for Emily Henry’s debut and still haven’t read it… or her sophomore novel… so I don’t know why I think I’ll start with When the Sky Fell on Splendor. I have to admit that the synopsis also sounds great from this line specifically: a group called The Ordinary “spend their free time investigating local ghost stories and legends, filming their exploits for their small following of YouTube fans.”

Which of these sound like I should definitely give it a try?

Help me out and choose multiple if you like!

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13 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #221: On the Fence

  1. I have read two of the 3 I think you should read. The Art of Losing is really heavy, but it is also a really good story and one that is told really well. Lizzy knows what she is talking about and I think you will enjoy it. I also think you may like the Pennington book because it is different from her first. I really loved the romance in this one and the growth of the characters. And the last I selected was We Rule the Night because I have a copy and you can borrow it. 😀

  2. I didn’t realize Adi Alsaid had a new book coming out. I’ve meant to read all of his books, but never did 🙁 I also didn’t know about SPECTACLE but it sounds really good!! I might add that to my TBR. I’m definitely trying to read WHEN THE SKY FELL ON SPLENDOR & THE ART OF LOSING.

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