The Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days.
March was a bit off too still, which is okay. I’m going to give myself some grace during this time. I know I tend to read more when the weather is nice and I can go on the porch, so hopefully that turns out to be true this summer. We’re dealing with a lot right now and, as I discussed HERE, reading can be hard at times. I’m excited to begin the OWLS next month so I can be motivated to read more!
9 books read in March
8 new books • 0 rereads • 1 DNF
Pages read: 3,102 • Average rating: 3.7 stars
Sources: 6 for review, 1 library book, 1 borrowed, 1 owned
Formats: [Review] 3 egalleys and 0 physical ARCs
0 hardcover, 0 paperbacks, 0 ebook, 0 audio, 6 combos
Genres: 4 contemporary, 3 mystery/thriller, 1 fantasy, 1 paranormal
Age Target: 4 adult, 5 young adult, 0 middle grade


Wild Ride

Check out my 2020 challenge sign-up post for more details, goals, etc.!
Popsugar Reading Challenge
3 read this month | 20/40 read total
Prompts read: Published in 2020, about a book club, by an author who has written 20+ books
Calendar of Crime Challenge
3 read this month: Original pub month x2, book with month letter in title (“M”)
0 read this month | 2 read total
Rolls: N/A
Rainbow Try a Chapter Unhaul
This month’s color: Green
Verdict: I was able to pick up WITH MALICE at the very end of the month – there was an audiobook on Scribd and I needed one to get through some walks/drives. I also mixed in the physical copy. It was addicting!
Breakdown: 2 bought | 0 borrowed | 1 free/gifted | 4 for review
All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
For Review via Netgalley/EW
From Macmillan: Where Dreams Descend by Angeles
From Random House: Date Me, Bryson Keller by van Whye
From Hachette: The Boyfriend Project by Rochon, The Trouble with Hating You by Patel
Blog Tour Review Copies
From Harlequin: The Sea Glass Cottage by Thayne
Via The Fantastic Flying Book Club: Super Adjacent by Cestari
Digital copies: House of Earth and Blood by SJM, All the Stars and Teeth by Grace
- [5 Mar] A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer ★★★★
- [5 Mar] The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson ★★★★
- [5 Mar] Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl
- [9 Mar] Girls with Razor Hearts by Suzanne Young ★★★★★
- [9 Mar] In Five Years by Rebecca Serle ★★★★½
- [18 Mar] All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban ★★★★
- [23 Mar] The June Boys by Courtney C. Stevens ★★★½
- [23 Mar] Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams
- [23 Mar] Marriage on Madison Avenue by Lauren Layne ★★★★
- [27 Mar] The Sea Glass Cottage by RaeAnne Thayne ★★★½
- [2 Mar] Bookmark Lit Bulletin | February 2020
- [3 Mar] Top Ten Tuesdays #277: Single Word Titles
- [4 Mar] February Grocery Challenge: Weeks 3-4 & Wrap-Up
- [6 Mar] Five on Fridays [6] + March Currently
- [10 Mar] Top Ten Tuesdays #278: Authors on Social
- [12 Mar] Simplification
- [13 Mar] Lauren Lately | March 2020
- [16 Mar] Following a Skinnytaste Meal Plan
- [17 Mar] Top Ten Tuesdays #279: Spring TBR
- [20 Mar] A Day in the Life // Work From Home (3/18/20)
- [24 Mar] Top Ten Tuesdays #280: Genre Freebie
- [25 Mar] Magical Readathon 2020 – OWLS
- [26 Mar] Reading Lately /// Isolation
- [30 Mar] April TBR
- [31 Mar] Top Ten Tuesdays #281: Book Lover
March: Get back on track with my GR Challenge ❌
April: Read outside 2x per week at least
I truly tried pretty hard to get back in March. I even managed to cram a few last minute reads in at the end of the month too. I’m still pretty behind on Goodreads but I’m sure I’ll catch up later in the year. For April, I hope to continue reading and enjoy the outdoors. Working from home and not enjoying our favorite spots out in the world (womp) means I desperately need OUTSIDE time. I want to read on the porch or outside in general at least twice a week. I also hope to listen to audiobooks while walking a local trail during lunch.
OWLS Tracking | I’m so excited for my first Magical Readathon! The OWLS will focus on being a Hogwarts Professor of Muggle Studies. I’ll be tracking next week and throughout the month.
Bullet Journal Updates | I was planning on doing these bimonthly but I haven’t been overly motivated to deal with it. I still fill it in as needed and make new layouts each month, so why not share an update now that we’re in April?
Blog Tour: The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly | I’m really excited to check this one out! I’ve always wanted to eat at this kind of themed restaurant but the closest to me is in New Jersey. Maybe this book will hold me over in the meantime 😉
Favorites Roundup | I don’t have a lot going on at the moment and will be covering random media-related favorites in Five on Friday/Lauren Lately posts, but I think it’d be fun to do some kind of “recent favorites” wrap-up soon.
Recipe Roundup | We’ve been cooking a lot and baking new things so I hope to share some recipes we’ve been loving in quarantine. Chris is still working each day out of the house so it’s not as different for him, but I’m enjoying the ability to prep food during breaks and start dinner whenever I need to.
On My List | I haven’t done one of these in a while but now’s the perfect time to share all the things on my list to check out: podcasts, upcoming books, TV shows, movies, etc.
March has been a mess for most of us I think. Wishing you an amazing April