Category: Book Challenges


Posted August 13, 2022 / Book Challenges, Features / 2 Comments

I’ve been inspired lately to try to get back into reading and on track with my book life since I’ve been watching a lot more booktube. (I’m sure most people expected me to say booktok since that’s all the rage but honestly it makes me mad seeing every 3rd video on there recommending Colleen Hoover.) I watched a couple of people do “7 thriller books in 7 days” challenges and thought it would be exactly what I need to get me reading again. I’m currently a whopping 9 books behind on my challenge, so this would certainly help me eliminate a lot of that. I struggle with reading too many books of the same genre in a row though so this is a more broad and basic 7 books in 7 days. Honestly I have a feeling they’ll be mostly thrillers anyways since those tend to be the most addicting for me. I don’t have any real plans after work over the next week including this weekend. I decided to start today (Saturday) around 5pm so I was at a bit of a disadvantage haha. Luckily I’m already in the middle of two books (more below on that) so I figured I could finish one of them today and check that box. This coming Friday and Saturday I have some plans after work so we’ll see how I do then. I posted a July and August TBR the other day so I’ll use that for inspiration below. I also have […]

2022 Resolutions and Goals

Posted January 14, 2022 / Book Challenges, Features / 0 Comments
2022 Resolutions and Goals

I used to always do these posts (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) but obviously fell off the wagon for 2021, the first full calendar year of the pandemic. I didn’t even think about making this post honestly! My reading went to shit in 2020 and was even worse in 2021, but I have a renewed sense of energy right now. Generally “resolutions” or the “clean slate of a new year” isn’t my shtick, but sometimes the marking of a new year just helps when setting new goals. It’s an easy marker of time and that’s about it. Try to balance reading and other hobbies better | The resolution to “not be pressured to read; spend time enjoying other hobbies” has been on this list for years now. I used to read during the vast majority of my free time and it got to be draining. I’ve definitely fallen off the wagon a bit in 20-21 though so I’m rephrasing my goal. I want to better balance all of the things I like to do. At this point in my life, that really just means “sometimes listen to an audiobook instead of a podcast” or “stop scrolling on your phone during a wrestling TV show and read instead.” Read 75% contemporary and mystery/thrillers | I used to try to get my contemporary fiction numbers down to under 50% because I wanted to read more widely across genres. I finally achieved this goal! I read 46% contemporary in 2021. I also read 18% […]

2022 Reading Challenges

Posted January 6, 2022 / Book Challenges, Features / 0 Comments
2022 Reading Challenges

I decided to keep signing up for challenges because I do enjoy them still. I didn’t actively work on them in 2020 or 2021 but always loved to see how much I could fill out just by reading books and seeing how things went! Here are the challenges I’m signing up for in 2022. I’m excited to sign up for an easy TBR-based challenge, hopefully focusing on books I own already in some format. You can read more HERE. There are prompts for each month and different levels you can aspire to read (example: 12 books is a Safety – maybe I couldn’t help signing up because it’s football-themed). My general plan is to read one per month from my TBR – ideally physical books but I’m okay with “owned” books on my Kindle, review copies or otherwise. The prompts and half of my potential TBR are below. JANUARY – Published in 2021 (most of these)FEBRUARY – Romantic read (The Heart Principle)MARCH – TV or movie adaptation APRIL – New-to-you author (The Ex Hex, Arsenic and Adobo, Everything We Didn’t Say)MAY – Favorite genre (Donuts and Other Proclamations of Love, The Heart Principle)JUNE – Diverse read (The Heart Principle, Arsenic and Adobo)JULY – Summery readAUGUST – Back to schoolSEPTEMBER – On your TBR the longest (Mister Impossible)OCTOBER – Spooky or suspenseful read (The Ex Hex)NOVEMBER – Unfinished series (Mister Impossible)DECEMBER – Holiday read I’ve done this one for at least three years now (HERE). I just like the variety of prompts and challenges! I usually don’t go wild […]

2021 Reading Challenges

Posted December 17, 2020 / Book Challenges, Features / 16 Comments
2021 Reading Challenges

Am I being ambitious for even thinking about signing up for challenges? I basically stopped actively trying to work on them in 2020 and still managed to squeak out a few additions in the second half of the year by pure coincidence or luck. However, there is something about a fresh slate of challenges and goals that really motivate me. I know turning the calendar to 2021 won’t magically fix the world’s problems but I am finally feeling hopeful about things. That includes my reading life! This is a pretty straightforward challenge, hosted HERE. You basically aim to read books that begin with each letter of the alphabet. They also have mini challenges for each month: JANUARY – A book you purchased in 2020 but didn’t readFEBRUARY – A book with non-romantic love (siblings, parent-child, friendships)MARCH – A book written by a person of a different race than youAPRIL – A book with an Autistic main character (April is Autism Awareness)MAY – A book about a nurse (Nat. Nurses Week 2021 is May 6-12)JUNE – A co-written book (2 authors)JULY – A Christmas book (Christmas in July!)AUGUST – A book by an Indie author (self-published or independent)SEPTEMBER – A memoir/biographyOCTOBER – A book written by a new-to-you authorNOVEMBER – A book outside your normal genreDECEMBER – A backlist title (published BEFORE Jan 1, 2021) I’d like to meet most of these but I’m not 100% sure I will focus on them. It definitely depends on if my reading year looks more like 2020 versus 2019 haha. I’ve done this one for at least three […]

Magical Readathon 2020 – OWLS Tracking

Posted April 6, 2020 / Book Challenges, Features / 0 Comments
Magical Readathon 2020 – OWLS Tracking

As you saw in my sign-up post, I’m joining the OWLS readathon! I’ve decided to become a Hogwarts Professor focusing on Muggle Studies. This career choice allowed me the most flexibility with the prompts, as you’ll see below. Career Choice / Prompts Courses for my career I chose the Hogwarts Professor of Muggle Studies for my career. With this choice, I need to take seven classes total. Defense Against the Dark Arts and the course for my chosen subject (Muggle Studies) are the required classes, and then I can take five more of my choosing! Like I said, this allowed for the most flexibility for me in my reading choices and TBR. We’ll see if I can get all twelve done though! For NEWTS later in the year, I will need to get an O in the subject I’m teaching (Muggle Studies), E in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and at least two A’s in secondary subjects of my choosing. All of the options and TBR Here’s a reminder of the list of potential courses to take and the book-related prompts for them. I’m also including the books I chose as POSSIBLE TBR options for them. As always with my mood reading, this is subject to change!   Ancient Runes // Heart rune: heart on the cover or in the title // The Honey-Don’t List Arithmancy // Magical qualities of number two: balance/opposites – read something outside your favorite genre // Deck of Omens Astronomy // Night classes: read majority of this […]

My 10 to Read in 2020

Posted January 30, 2020 / Book Challenges, Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 8 Comments
My 10 to Read in 2020

I made a little challenge in a few years ago called the Must Read in 2016 Challenge – we all set out to read a very specific list of books that we REALLY needed to read in 2016. The idea was to include books from previous years that you were excited to read and never got around to, so you were resolving to READ THEM OR ELSE. It was not successful for me in any way because dang I STILL have not read some of those books. I’m working through my Rainbow Try a Chapter Unhaul personal challenge for this year, which has me picking 2-3 books per month based on a predetermined color (of the cover/spine of the book), reading a chapter, and deciding if I’ll immediately keep reading it or unhaul it. Nonetheless, there are plenty of books otherwise that I still really need to READ OR ELSE. It feels like I’m making TBR posts every damn day on this blog because of my challenges, readathon, monthly reading plans, etc., but this post is really just a quick way to share some books I genuinely hope to read in 2020 because it’s about damn time. In fact, it’s far PAST time. I saw Hannah posted the ten books she’s targeting to read in 2020  based on a hashtag/challenge from Kayla of Idle Wild Reads (#my10toreadin19). I don’t want to formally sign up for anything or include this in my list of challenges, but I thought it would be […]

Pondathon Sign-Up and Tracking/Etc.

Posted January 23, 2020 / Book Challenges, Features / 2 Comments
Pondathon Sign-Up and Tracking/Etc.

What is the Pondathon? The Pondathon is a co-operative and story-driven readathon hosted and run by CW from The Quiet Pond. The aim of the Pondathon is to read books and collect points to protect the friends over at The Quiet Pond from the encroaching malevolent forces that threaten our friends in the forest. Have fun participating in the Pondathon readathon by joining one of five teams, each with a unique way to collect points and signing up! You can also follow the story of the Pondathon as it unfolds, and participants can also complete ‘side quests’ during the readathon to collect extra points. The readathon takes place from January 24th 2020 to March 7th 2020. More information about the readathon can be found here. Information about Joining the Pondathon To join the Pondathon, simply sign up anytime between January 18th 2020 to March 5th 2020. Choose a team, create your own animal character for the Pondathon and create a character card! Create a blog post, bookstagram post, booktube video, Twitter thread, or whatever medium you wish, with ‘#Pondathon’ in the title or your tweet. Share the character you have created and your character card! Link back to this post so that others can find this readathon and join in. Share your updates on your blog/bookstagram/booktube and social media. You are more than welcome to tag @thequietpond or @artfromafriend on Twitter or Instagram in all your updates! We’d love to see all of the beautiful and awesome characters that you […]

Popsugar Reading Challenge Ideas

Posted January 15, 2020 / Book Challenges, Book Lists, Features / 2 Comments
Popsugar Reading Challenge Ideas

Just like last year, I decided I should make a big ol post about TBR ideas for the Popsugar Reading Challenge! Sometimes it just helps me to circle back and remember what my ideas were at the beginning of the years if I start to get lost later on. I was REALLY excited to see this list because all of the prompts seem attainable this year. Seriously, I’d probably read *most* of these without a lot of prompting. Other resources: Popsugar Reading Challenge post and Popsugar Goodreads Group TBR Ideas A book published in 2020 This is one I’ll be sure to cross off right away, as I tend to read new releases pretty frequently! I decided to list some January titles I’m excited about since I’m sure that’s when I’ll check this box off. It could be ONE OF US IS NEXT, A HEART SO FIERCE AND BROKEN, or A CASTLE IN THE CLOUDS. A book by a trans or nonbinary author I struggle with heavier contemporaries like I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST but I’ve heard so many great things about this book. I think the likely option for me based on my existing TBR will be OVER THE TOP by JVN because they identify as nonbinary.   A book about a book club I’ve been seriously meaning to read THE GUERNSEY LITERARY AND POTATO PEEL SOCIETY for while and I don’t really know why, but that will work here. I also have an egalley of UNDERCOVER BROMANCE, which involves […]


Posted January 13, 2020 / Book Challenges, Features / 4 Comments

Just when you (probably) thought ya girl was done with challenges, yet another popped up for me to overanalyze and create TBRs for! 😉 You can learn all about Romanceopoly HERE but I’ll be discussing the general idea and plan of attack below. This is just such a fun and unique challenge that will help me read a bit more widely under the romance genre and beyond. The Basics The hosts have created a Monopoly-like game board with different prompts for each space. You can play a few different ways, including just going around the board in order or actually rolling dice to move around the board. You can pick between the SUN and MOON prompt packs as well, so you can technically complete the board twice if you wanted to. My Plan I decided to add this challenge to my life this year because it just seems like something fun I can do whenever I’m in the mood for romance or for something random off my TBR. Not all of the prompts are romance though! I decided to roll a few dice in a row so I have an idea of my next couple of books, and then decide when to read them. I know most people strive to complete the game board but I’m not 100% sure if I will or not. Unlike other challenges, I won’t be tracking it as closely in terms of completion percentage or goals. I’ve picked the moon pack for this because I […]

Spotlight: Calendar of Crime Challenge

Posted December 20, 2019 / Book Challenges, Features, Spotlight / 0 Comments
Spotlight: Calendar of Crime Challenge

My new Spotlight feature highlights anything within the bookish world that I feel deserves a spotlight for a few minutes – publishers (or more specifically, imprints!), new or old favorite authors, bookish people/bloggers, covers or cover trends, topics/genres within books, and anything else that should be on your radar. Calendar of Crime Challenge I thought it’d be really fun to put a spotlight on the Calendar of Crime reading challenge, hosted by My Reader’s Block. You can read their post about the 2020 challenge HERE for more details and to sign up, but I wanted to highlight why I think this is such a worthwhile and intriguing challenge. If you’re someone like me who LOVES researching things, plotting highly specific TBRs, and enjoys scheduling their reading, you have to take a look at this challenge. Challenge Rules/Premise The basic idea of this challenge is to read at least one crime-related book a month (mystery, thriller, police procedural, cozy mystery – you name it) that fits one of the prompts on the Calendar of Crime. Each month has a number of challenges that you should follow for your mystery book of choice. “To claim a book, it must fit one of the categories for the month you wish to fulfill. Unless otherwise specified, the category is fulfilled within the actual story. for instance, if you are claiming the book for December and want to use “Christmas” as the category, then Christmas figure in some in the plot. Did someone poison the […]