Author: Lara Avery

ARC Review: The Memory Book

Posted June 30, 2016 / Book Reviews / 5 Comments
ARC Review: The Memory Book

Wooooof. This book. I have a really weird mix of feelings about it, but I’m left with an overwhelming positive (in the sense that I definitely liked it more than disliked it) feeling about it. I’m so close to going for 4.5 stars but I keep reminding myself about the first half of the book. I’m going to break it down a little bit to explain what I mean. Sammie was a… weird character. She was hard to get used to in a lot of ways. She was awkward and failed miserably at interacting in social situations. It felt kind of uncomfortable to be in her head, especially because she’s writing everything down from her perspective in the Memory Book. She finds out that she has a type of dementia, essentially, that will cause her to lose her memories and likely die at a young age. She creates this book to fill with memories and daily happenings so that she doesn’t forget anything as her health declines. Super sad premise, obviously. At the beginning, she seemed “normal” (just health-wise) and it was hard to figure out what was going to happen with her. As her health gets worse, the book gets sadder and sadder. I really couldn’t relate to her at first, but this is truly a book where I liked it more with each page I read. She grew on me, the story grew on me, the other characters grew on me… just to the point where I was REALLY […]