Bookmark Lit Bulletin – January 2015
The Bookmark Lit Bulletin is a monthly feature where I look back on everything I did and everything I plan to do next. I’ll also be updating my challenge progress here each month and linking up wherever I need to. Living in a fort for two weeks – As you may know from a previous post on here, Chris and I built a blanket fort in our living room. We figured we’d keep it up for about a week… and ended up living in it for two weeks. Honestly, we probably could have gone even longer, but we went skiiing one weekend and just had to sit on the couch afterwards. (Laying on the floor = not good for a sore body) Blizzard Juno – This week we had a bit of a blizzard. No big deal. I think our area got maybe a 15-20 inches of snow. I worked on Monday but it started snowing part of the way through the day, and luckily my boss said that we could work from home the next day. She’s pretty famous for making us come in during bad weather, even though most of our work can be done from home. Anyways, they ended up shutting down roads and not allowing people to drive anyway! The wind was even more intense than the snow, though! Luckily that meant that Chris’s car had snow surrounding it, but not a lot that needed to be cleared on the top. It only took us about 10 minutes […]