Bookmark Lit Bulletin – October 2015

The Bookmark Lit Bulletin was created to wrap up each month and prepare for the next. I share my life happenings, book haul, books I read and reviewed, posts I shared, challenge updates, and more from the previous month. I also let you know what may be coming up on the blog in the coming month. You can read past bulletins here and learn more about the feature here. 13 books read → Physical: 5 | eBook: 2 | eARC: 0 | Audio: 1 | ARC: 2 | Format mix: 3 In 2015… 150 books read of 175 Goodreads goal [86% complete, 6 books ahead of schedule] Blog posts this month: 14 books reviewed and 15 other posts | Challenges this month: 1I had a feeling that October would continue to be lazy, but I had a couple of graphic novels help me get back towards reading more! Sometimes you just need to feel good about the number of books you’ve read and a book of any length will help. Overall, great average rating for books too. Average rating for books read in October: 4.21 stars Highlights of the best and worst… Best of the Best | Pleasantly Surprised | Disappointed All of the books read this month: Average rating for books reviewed in October: 3.86 stars Secret Sister Project My Secret Sister is the BEST. This month, I had a Halloween/fall-themed package containing: a little mug with a sweater; Sliding Doors DVD (I’ve been wanting to see this ever since I saw it mentioned on Hannah’s blog!); stickers for my planner; sticky notes and cards; my favorite candies for the season (Reese’s pumpkins […]