Ten Wishes for the Book Genie to Grant
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I’ve been looking forward to this week’s topic ever since I saw it – ten wishes I’d ask the book genie to grant me (new book from a certain author, reading superpower, new library, character to come to life, meet an author, etc.). I’m going to hit on most of the suggested topics because they’re all too fun. Here we gooooo.
John Green’s latest book • Yes, I was once an ardent John Green fangirl. My obsession with him, in general, has gone down lately. BUT IT HAS BEEN SO LONG SINCE HIS LAST BOOK. I want to read some new material from him in hopes that it doesn’t follow the same formula. Come on John, blow me away again! The genie better poke John in the butt so he writes faster.
Audiobook narration speed • I love listening to audiobooks but they always read too slow for me! I know Audible has the speed-up option but then their voices sound warped. I can’t win. Even trying 1.25x sounds weird. It’s not that they become too fast – you can just tell that their voices are sped up. It’s annoying and I need a happy medium!
House with a library • Is it okay that I’m cheating to get a new house out of this book genie? It counts when I tack on a library, right?? Okay good. Yes, I am desperate for a house (without having to deal with a down payment and financing) with my own library. You can see my #LibraryGoals and get the full picture of what I want. GIMME.
Super speed-reading • I’m a very fast reader as it is, so I feel like a butthead for requesting this. I would love to have super speed-reading abilities when needed. Last Friday, for example, I was desperate to finish Magnolia before work… and ended up being late. I want the book genie to let me still absorb everything I hear, but just be able to read super quick when necessary. I like sitting down and relaxing with a book, so I wouldn’t want to read too fast all the time… just when I need to.
Goodreads improvements • Honestly. How do we not have half-stars yet? How much will we all have to beg? I know we would have to deal with going back and changing all of our ratings, but IT WILL BE WORTH IT. It kills me having to round up or down sometimes. I generally round up (because, duh, real-life rounding rules) but sometimes it feels wrong. Half-stars are a must. There are plenty of other things GR does that bug me, but I can’t think of any others at the moment. Hopefully the genie will let this be an ongoing wish I can add to later…Bookstore gift cards • This makes me feel like the jackass who wishes for more wishes, but come on. If there was a bookish genie, you know you’d be like UNLIMITED FREE BOOKS FOR LIFE. Who wouldn’t?! Of course, they won’t be free. I want the authors to be paid… but the genie will be the one paying them 😉
Meet an author• I’ve met one author in my life: Leigh Bardugo at BEA. She was excited to hear that I was her first author and she was wonderful. I would love to meet some of my other favorite authors but I don’t think I could ever just pick one. So, genie, you get to pick which author I get to meet. Please use this list or this one or this one. THANKS.
Better book reviews • I feel like my reviews have gotten terrible. I used to be funny and clever and interesting. I don’t know what happened to me. Have I run out of adjectives? USE YOUR WORDS LAUREN, good god. The book genie can definitely help me. Just bring back all the good review writing skills I once had. Thanks.
Comfortable reading position • I love reading in bed, outside in the grass, on my porch… everywhere. The only issue at this point is keeping a comfortable position! I wish that I could be comfortable no matter where I read. My arm never gets tired and my butt never falls asleep and my eyes never drift off to sleep at 7:00pm.
Full time blogger • Honestly, I hate having to work. I think I have plenty of things I could do if I was unemployed and still had lots of money. I know this isn’t a reality unless I win the lottery, but still. I would love to get paid to blog full time instead of having to drive to work each day.
The perfect narrator speed is such a great idea. I hate it when they go too slow, but then if it goes too fast I’m totally lost as well. And Goodreads seriously needs to get on with the half stars. I think every user wishes for it. Why hasn’t it happened yet? Blogging full-time would be a dream as well…
Great list! 😀
No kidding!!
I just finished listening to All the Summer Girls last week, and the narrator actually read too fast for me. I seriously thought about slowing her down on Overdrive. Check it out. 🙂
I hate working too. I’ve been unhappy with my job, but I think it’s because I just want to be paid to read and blog all the time. Sigh.
Haha I know what you mean! I’m just not a fan of my job in general, but it doesn’t help when blogging calls !!
I’ve mused, at times, at what it would be like to be a full-time blogger! It would be kind of fun to get paid to do the things I already love to do, and am extremely passionate about. So, if your genie is willing to share the granting of that particular wish with us all, I would not mind 😉
Hahaha 🙂
Oh you have some great ones I didn’t think of! The audiobook narration speed is so true! I listen at 1.5 on audible and 1.75 on overdrive but yeah it sounds weird. I would love a new JOhn Green book. And to be a full time blogger – AMAZING. Great list!
I know I can’t deal with the speeds D:
Thank you!
ooh a library of your own would be amazing! and i can never get really comfortable while reading too – i usually read in bed and my arm gets so tired haha.
Yes mine too! I usually start out okay sitting up with my pillow but the good feeling never lasts long.
Hahah I would love to have my own library as well! And I wish I just had more TIME dedicated to book blogging. Even if it is a little bit more time. It’s hard with everything going on in my life as of now! 😛 AND YES TO COMFORTABLE READING POSITION.
I know what you mean!
I’d love a private library. And FREE BOOKS! Who doesn’t love those? 😉 I’m not really a fan of John Green, but waiting for your favorite authors to release a book is like waiting for eternity! Amazing list! 🙂
These are FABULOUS! How did no one else think of the Goodreads thing, because omg YES! YES YES YES. Half stars would be everything! It’s frustrating- I always round up too, but when UBB transfers the review to Goodreads, it gets rounded DOWN which means I have to re-rate all the half star books. Get yourself together, Goodreads!
And I want to be a full time blogger too! That would be amazing! I need a nanny. I don’t even have to do it ALL day, just for a few hours! Gosh, we need this book genie, STAT! 😀