Top Ten Tuesdays #126: Comics

Ten Graphic Novels/Comics – Faves & Up Next Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. This week’s topic is all about the visuals. I don’t read picture books, so I wanted to talk COMICS. I almost never read them anymore, which is sad, but I hope to get more done in 2017. I’d love to catch up completely on the Saga collected volumes (I don’t read the individual issues) at least. I have so many to read (that I already own, gah!) and some I’ve already enjoyed. Read more comic reviews here. Saga | This One Summer | Fables I’ve read the first four volumes of SAGA so far and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. I own all of the published volumes, I believe, so I just need to sit down and enjoy them soon. THIS ONE SUMMER was something I kept eyeing at the bookstore, then randomly got out from the library. Loved the story of growing up and fun illustrations. FABLES has been really great so far too. I’ve read maybe three? I keep checking them out on Hoopla when I’m in the mood and it’s a loooong series. Saved by the Bell […]