Category: Book Lists

January TBR

Posted January 3, 2025 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 1 Comment
January TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. January TBR I skipped my December TBR due to the uncertainty of holiday reads…I also did a terrible job of predicting my EOY reads as well. Lots of novellas, but oh well. I love the beginning of a year where I can wipe the slate clean and I’m super excited for the books on deck! Review Copies I already decided my first book of the year will be SAY YOU’LL REMEMBER ME, even though it comes out in April. I know I’ll love it and need that kind of energy for the start of the year. The other January review copy I want to get to is YIN YANG LOVE SONG because Lauren Kung Jessen is an auto-read now. Upcoming Releases   January has a few key new releases on my radar that I’m 95% sure I’ll get to in the month. The newest Wayward Children book comes out in the beginning of the month and I always listen to the audiobook right away once its released. They’re short and easy to get off on the right foot for my reading challenge. BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL is a hiiiiighlyyy anticipated read for […]

Predicting My EOY Reading

Posted November 14, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 1 Comment
Predicting My EOY Reading

At the time of writing this post, I’ve read 87 books and am currently reading 3 books. That leaves just 10 books(!!!) between the second half of November and all of December to finish off my Goodreads challenge. If I’m being honest, there’s a good chance I’ll finish more books than this because I have five holiday novellas (plus two other super short/kind of novellas) to read in addition to other full-size books. I thought it would be fun to predict the final ten books of the year if I had to guess, but also share the additional books I think I may realistically read beyond my reading challenge. I knew 100 books would be a challenge since I’ve kept my goal at 80 books the past couple of years. I’ve read some shorter books and novellas to get me over the hump so it would be nice if I can hit 105 or 110 books on the year. Current Reads I’m finishing up reading a cookbook (yes, I read them cover to cover) called WHAT TO COOK WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING. I have a Christmassy romance going on my Kindle from Libby called I’LL BE GONE FOR CHRISTMAS, which is super cute as of now. And finally, my physical read mixed with audiobook listening is ONLY IF YOU’RE LUCKY for my in-person book club. I forgot the meeting was already coming this Monday so I had to get going. Holiday Novellas Amazon released another novella series this year, so […]

November TBR

Posted October 31, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments
November TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. November TBR October was weird – I read some novellas from Amazon and got through a few books on my TBR but also forgot what else I even had on here haha. We’ll see how the rest of the year goes! Kindle/KU Books I got an offer for three free months of Kindle Unlimited so I’m trying to read some books off of that TBR over the next couple of months, and potentially holiday books in December! I read the first Chesnut Springs book this past month and enjoyed it so I’m curious to move on to the next one soon. I’m currently reading PHANTASMA for a spooky season book but it’s long as hell, so it’ll definitely take me through November. I have REMEMBER ME TOMORROW as an egalley that I’m really looking forward to but just haven’t read yet. Library Books I have these three out from the library right now. I’m really intrigued by all of them but A CURIOUS BEGINNING has been on my TBR for ages. Really hope to get into it before the end of the year, or else I’m pushing an entire series binge to […]

October TBR

Posted September 27, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 1 Comment
October TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. October TBR September was a good month for getting ahead on my reading challenge but I definitely read a ton of graphic novels to get me there! I had a DNF as well that I counted since I read more than 50% of it, which is my standard practice. I’m going to finish the month strong to prepare for some longer releases in the rest of the year! Newer (Owned) Releases         I’ve acquired all of these over the past few months, either from preordering or BOTM. I really hope to get to all of them because they are super promising reads. I preordered WORST CASE SCENARIO and picked up HEMLOCK HOUSE from the store recently because I straight up couldn’t find it anywhere. The other four books are from BOTM. I will definitely be reading THE GOD OF THE WOODS beginning the end of September into October because it’s my mystery book club’s pick for October. Library Books I have a lot of overdue library books right now and am making a concerted effort to read a few ASAP! October is the beginning of the fantasy months for me […]

September TBR

Posted August 30, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments
September TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. September TBR I was generally okay in August but had some stretches where I didn’t read very much. September is typically a tough reading month for me because it’s my birthday and usually I do a lot of things to enjoy the end of summer and hopefully some fall-like weather. You’ll definitely also see a lot of holdovers from last month… Egalleys    I have some already published egalleys I didn’t include here even though I definitely should do a recap on that at some point. I had THE EXAMINER and TILL DEATH DO US PART on here last month and I’m kind of shocked to still have the former on my TBR. I thought I would have read it asap because of how much I love Hallett. I just had a lot of mysteries to read in August and it meant that I couldn’t double up with my formats like I do. I also hope to maybe get ahead with REMEMBER ME TOMORROW since it publishes in October. Preordered & New Releases       Again, the first three are from last month. I definitely assumed I’d get to them but alas. […]

Ranking Books by Favorite Authors | Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Posted August 22, 2024 / Book Lists, Features / 2 Comments
Ranking Books by Favorite Authors | Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I thought this was going to be a more common series on my blog but I basically wrote one post and never tried it again! The idea came from the late Grace at Rebel Mommy Book Blog. I still miss her positivity in the book community and hope I can keep doing this post justice! Previous installments include Sandhya Menon, Rachel Lynn Solomon, and Christina Lauren. Today I’ll be featuring… Jennifer Lynn Barnes I wrote my review for the latest Jennifer Lynn Barnes book and realized that she’s definitely one of my favorite authors. I always forget that she wrote one of my favorite YA duologies THE FIXER – that series is due for a resurgence like THE NATURALS has gotten! I’m not going to rank series (since that’s what she usually writes!) – I’m going to actually rank individual books across all of her series, much like I did in the TTT the other day. 5 Stars The Long Game // Clearly JLB knows how to finish a series! The sequel to THE FIXER is one of my favorite books by her. I just remember wishing she’d continue this series and let’s hold out hope she could if people start reading it again, okay?? The Final Gambit // I really enjoyed the way she initially wrapped up THE INHERITANCE GAMES series, before writing some spinoffs. I think it had a super satisfying ending with lots of final twists along the way. 4.5 Stars The Fixer // If you actually look at average […]

Most Anticipated Reads of 2023 – How Did I Do?

Posted August 15, 2024 / Book Lists, Features / 2 Comments
Most Anticipated Reads of 2023 – How Did I Do?

I started to draft this post AGES ago and decided I’d finally finish it up… now that we’re more than halfway through 2024 lol. There are always a few “most anticipated” posts on the blog each year to pull from so let’s see how I did. Did I actually read all the books I thought I would? Overall Stats 39 books on my most anticipated lists for 2023 Read 17 books (44%) | Didn’t read 22 books (56%) Ratings of books read: 5 stars = 3 books = 18% 4.5 stars = 4 books = 24% 4 stars = 9 books = 53% 2.5 stars = 1 book = 5% Books I Managed to Read Overall, a pretty good job here! I feel like the books I did read are not surprising: they’re by favorite authors that I never miss, or the premise was THAT exciting to me that I knew I’d certainly read it. 13 out of the 17 completed books were authors I’d read and loved books from before. 5 Stars 4.5 Stars 4 Stars Under 4 Stars Books I Didn’t Get to There are a lot of books on here lol I think again the main issue with MOST of these were that they were new-to-me authors, or authors I haven’t had success with in a while but used to love. For example, I DNFed my last Kasie West book so I was nervous to read this one.

August TBR

Posted August 1, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments
August TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. August TBR I did a good job of keeping on track in July for the most part and hopefully will keep rolling with a lot of fast-paced thrillers in August. I’d love to get ahead on my reading this summer so I can read some bigger/longer books later on. It seems like the bulk of the books on my TBR are mystery/thrillers or suspense so hopefully I can find a way to include some romances! Woof. Egalleys – ARC August   I have some already published egalleys I didn’t include here even though I definitely should do a recap on that at some point. I hope to read A NOVEL LOVE STORY finally (despite its mid reviews) and know for a fact I’ll be getting in some favorite mystery authors this month too. I usually participate in ARC August, where I want the vast majority of my reads to be review copies in the month. There’s a decent chance I make it happen because I can guarantee a few of these will get read… let’s say my ARC August goal is that 1/3 of my books this month are review copies. Preordered […]

Christmas in July: Upcoming 2024 Holiday Books

Posted July 31, 2024 / Book Lists, Features / 0 Comments
Christmas in July: Upcoming 2024 Holiday Books

I’m really sneaking this in right at the end of the month because honestly time has not been REAL this year! I can’t believe we’re at the end of July already. I still thought it would be helpful to some folks to write my upcoming holiday releases post, even if it’s half-assed with no links or descriptions. Contemporary Holiday/Christmas Romance       Holiday-Themed Fantasies Christmas Mysteries

July TBR

Posted July 2, 2024 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments
July TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. July TBR I can’t believe I forgot my June TBR post! I did do my summer TBR for TTT recently so that is partially true at least. I’m excited to participate in Summerween so that TBR is below and will make up a good amount of my reads for the entire month if I don’t finish. Egalleys    I have a lot of egalleys from previous months but focusing in on a few here that come out in the next month or so. There are a couple more but you’ll see them in the Summerween post below. June-July Releases    I’ve acquired a number of books in the last month and again, most are in the TBR below. A few of these come out at the very end of the month and I’ve preordered them. The others I already own. Summerween As I mentioned, any books I don’t finish from Summerween are going to be read throughout the rest of the month and fit into other categories in my normal TBR.