Month: June 2024

Recent Reads | A Call for Kelp and Summer Romance

Posted June 27, 2024 / Book Reviews, Recent Reads / 0 Comments
Recent Reads | A Call for Kelp and Summer Romance

A CALL FOR KELP follows Everly as she helps her aunts get their beekeeping documentary off the ground. They were chosen among a ton of applicants, so a film crew heads down to Charm, NC to begin shooting. The old school actress leading the project and providing the voiceover turns up dead and as usual, Everly springs into action. I’m still enjoying this series overall but this one was too predictable for me. I knew within the first few chapters who the murderer was even though their motivations were not super clear… even in the end! Baker could have used a little more development there. There were a lot of chapters were something dramatic would happen to end the chapter and then the next chapter would jump ahead in time, allowing Everly to reflect on what happen but the reader didn’t get to see it. For example, she got locked in a library and was panicking at the end of the chapter. The next chapter begins and she’s already rescued, explaining to the reader how she got out. Why not just give us the scene? The other major issue: Everly’s obsession with her weight and her fitness tracker was unbearable in this one. It felt like every single chapter she had to reference her size, the fitness watch beeping at her, how hard it was to move around at a size 12 (!!) – the list goes on and on. I just did not want to hear it for so […]

Top Ten Tuesdays #449: Most Anticipated

Posted June 25, 2024 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 1 Comment
Top Ten Tuesdays #449: Most Anticipated

Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024 Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. I ended up going on a wild goose chase (well, not fully – it was somewhat successful) trying to find more fall and early winter 2024 books to add! I apparently had like zero of them on my Goodreads “tbr-unreleased” shelf. I creeped around their lists a little bit and was able to find some October/November releases. No December ones though! I’m slacking on keeping up with everything, good lord. July     August September October   November    

Recent Reads | True Crime Story and Very Bad Company

Posted June 20, 2024 / Book Reviews, Recent Reads / 1 Comment
Recent Reads | True Crime Story and Very Bad Company

This is one of those books that has intrigued me for years and I just kept delaying picking it up. I knew it was going to (likely) be right up my alley based on its mixed media format (mostly interviews, some newspaper clippings, etc.) and topic (a girl disappearing). I knew the book was a bit meta and weird, including a self-insert by the author, and that it reads more like a true crime book than fiction. It reminded me a lot of THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF THE ALPERTON ANGELS and MURDER IN THE FAMILY, which are really good mixed media mysteries that also have similar vibes plot/author-wise. The book centers around the disappearance of Zoe Nolan from a university party right before Christmas, never to be seen again. Joseph Knox, the author, is a character in the story – he’s compiling all these interviews with Zoe’s friends and family along with emails between himself and the woman who begins researching what happened to Zoe. It kind of has a slow start – it’s just a lot of interviews and finger-pointing between Zoe’s friends. I like that the tension slowly built up throughout the book. Even though it felt like not much was happening and the plot wasn’t progressing, I couldn’t put this down. The audiobook has a full cast and it’s excellent, so I was frequently going back and forth to finish it quickly. I got spooked and didn’t want to read it at night! Knox did a great […]

Top Ten Tuesdays #448: Summer TBR

Posted June 18, 2024 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 0 Comments
Top Ten Tuesdays #448: Summer TBR

Summer TBR Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. I will never turn down an opportunity to share the books I’m excited to read this summer! I usually avoid including review copies but I thought I would just do a full roundup of the books I plan to read over the next few months. The Summer TBR I posted on Instagram is at the bottom of the post for a quick summary as well! (Note: I’m making this post a week early so some of these books have already been read in late May/early June.) Review Copies Most of these are coming out later in the summer but a couple are new releases that I definitely need to get to! I’ve already read ONE LAST SUMMER and generally enjoy it. By the time this post goes live, there’s a decent chance I’ve read at least 1-2 more of these. Owned/Physical Copies These are books I recently acquired and plan to read soon, primarily books published in the last month or two. I have read a couple already but the rest I’m excited to dive into! BOTM gave me some solid picks and I got a few from an indie bookstore on vacation. […]

Recent Reads | The Last Murder at the End of the World and Past Present Future

Posted June 12, 2024 / Book Reviews, Recent Reads / 0 Comments
Recent Reads | The Last Murder at the End of the World and Past Present Future

I enjoyed Turton’s debut after being pretty confused throughout the story, and the same thing basically happened here. I was expecting a weird mystery and that’s exactly what I got – it’s not the type of mystery I’d pass along to my mom to read. She would hate it lol. Turton clearly has a specialty for writing odd mysteries with extremely unique premises and I definitely commend him for that. The end of EVELYN HARDCASTLE, to me, made up for the confusion I experienced throughout. The same can’t be said for this latest release unfortunately. The story follows a post-apocalyptic society living on an island, trapped by a deadly fog. One of the scientists is brutally murdered and a villager (Emory) and her daughter (Clara) try to figure out what happened in order to save them all. The fog will inch closer and closer until the murder is resolved. It definitely had a lot of sci-fi elements in a way that makes it hard to classify. It also barely felt like a mystery novel. Yes, there IS a murder mystery at the base of the plot but there was so much other stuff with world-building that took me out of it. Emory and the other characters ask so many questions and tell random stories – it felt like a lot of telling instead of showing. She would have realizations about things that the reader didn’t see so she just talks it out and gets everyone on board. There was a […]

ARC Review: One Last Summer

Posted June 10, 2024 / Book Reviews / 0 Comments
ARC Review: One Last Summer

I absolutely loved Kate Spencer’s first book and was soooo excited to read her sophomore novel, especially when I read the synopsis. I love a friend group coming back together and anything relating to summer camp! I actually had started this back in April and was really loving the first handful of chapters. I put it aside when I got home from Disney to read another highly anticipated release and picked it back up in early May. I was never motivated to read it unfortunately, even though I generally liked it when I did make myself start reading. Honestly it put me in a bit of a slump throughout the month but I’m glad I ended up finishing it. Clara has missed the past few camp reunions at Pine Lake because of her busy job and life in the city. This year, however, her boss just requested in front of the whole company that she is suffering from burnout and needs a micro-sabbatical. There’s a huge pitch at work the following week that she needs to prep for so it couldn’t come at a worse time, but she IS ready to see her friends again. The crew consists of Sam, Nick, Trey, Eloise (and her new boyfriend Linus), and (of course – her summer crush that still works at the camp) Mack. I guess I was kind of expecting HAPPY PLACE vibes here with the group of friends but it missed the mark a lot of the time. I liked […]

Bookmark Lit Bulletin | May 2024

Bookmark Lit Bulletin | May 2024

The Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days. I felt like I covered a lot of ground by reading two books in two days toward the end of the month! I also expected to finish one more that week but ended up finishing the book on June 1st instead. Womp. Overall, a great reading month from a quality perspective.      7 books in May 6 read  •  1 reread  •  0 DNF Pages read: 2320 •   Average rating: 4.29 stars Genres: 3 contemporary, 2 mystery/thriller, 1 nonfiction Formats: 3 mixed, 2 hardcover, 1 paperback, 1 egalley Sources: 4 owned, 2 purchased Age Target: 6 adult, 1 young adult      Here are all the books I read this month with ratings and one-line thoughts!      Popsugar Reading Challenge: 24% 52 Book Club: 40% Book Cover Bingo: 72% 24 in 24: 21%      Breakdown: 6 hardcovers | 0 paperbacks | 5 egalleys | 0 ebooks | 0 audiobooks All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review. Physical Books Purchased: This Summer Will Be Different by Fortune, Dinner Tonight by Snodgress BOTM: The Ministry of Time by Bradley, The Paradise […]