Top Ten Tuesdays #448: Summer TBR

Posted June 18, 2024 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 0 Comments

Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I will never turn down an opportunity to share the books I’m excited to read this summer! I usually avoid including review copies but I thought I would just do a full roundup of the books I plan to read over the next few months. The Summer TBR I posted on Instagram is at the bottom of the post for a quick summary as well! (Note: I’m making this post a week early so some of these books have already been read in late May/early June.)

Review Copies

Most of these are coming out later in the summer but a couple are new releases that I definitely need to get to! I’ve already read ONE LAST SUMMER and generally enjoy it. By the time this post goes live, there’s a decent chance I’ve read at least 1-2 more of these.

Owned/Physical Copies

These are books I recently acquired and plan to read soon, primarily books published in the last month or two. I have read a couple already but the rest I’m excited to dive into! BOTM gave me some solid picks and I got a few from an indie bookstore on vacation.


Summer Author Events & Preorders

I’m going to be attending events for Lucy Foley and Christina Lauren’s new releases this month! So excited!! I also have preordered a few more books (including PAST PRESENT FUTURE, which I’ve already received an read). The others are July and August releases.

Recent or June Releases

I don’t own any of these but have some pending library holds for them! I’m really excited to check these out but likely will not buy them for my shelves.


July Releases

July has some releases I’m pumped for. The preorders above obviously, plus these six books below – all should hopefully be read ASAP from the library or via spur-of-the-moment purchasing 😉


August Releases

And finally, three more books I’m SO excited for in August. All three authors are some of my very favorites (Cotugno going way back to my early blog days and the other two more recently within the last year!).





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