September TBR

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. August Progress August was bizarre. I usually have a lot of success with ARC August but I think my lack of reading time or mojo hindered everything. I was lucky to pull off reading 9 books this past month, blazing through basically 3 entire books in the last few days/week of August. I had two readalongs, IRONSIDE and THE DIVINERS, that were spread out nicely in the first half of the month. We had Chris’s sister’s wedding later in the month and therefore Bout of Books was a failure. I didn’t meet my plans for 10 ARCS + 2 readalong books, but I did manage to read 9 total books… Up Next in September Review Copies I’ll keep up my five-ARC-TBR plans as usual, with my backlist, upcoming releases, freebies, and far-away pub date mixture. I’m actually doing okay on Netgalley right now and would love to get ahead on some of upcoming releases. Past Perfect Life by Eulberg | All Eyes on Us by Frick | Ricochet by Berla The Bromance Book Club by Adams | Love on Lexington Avenue by Layne I have a couple leftovers from ARC August on […]