Reunited on Dragonfly Lane // Release Week Interview with Annie Rains
Happy Wednesday and belated book birthday to Annie Rains and REUNITED ON DRAGONFLY LANE! My review will be going live next week but I’m here today with a fun interview with Annie about both the Sweetwater Springs series and her upcoming series later this year – Somerset Lake. This book is the final installment in the Sweetwater Springs series, which makes me incredibly sad, but there’s a wonderful setup to ease into Somerset Lake. 😉 There’s a pretty amazing story about one of my very favorite books in the series, CHRISTMAS ON MISTLETOE LANE, in the interview below! Did you pull any inspiration from real life, your hobbies, your own personality, etc. when developing the characters Chase and Sophie? There have been characters in the past where I added little pieces of myself to their lives and backstories. I didn’t do that for Sophie or Chase in this book though. I have never been a climber, hiker, or any of the outdoor things that Sophie and Chase once enjoyed doing together. I did enough research on these activities that I feel like I have been out there on a mountain though. When writing a companion series like this, did you have to map out certain main characters you were hoping to feature and plan out love interests? Chase was a new addition introduced in the last book, so I’m curious about how far out you’d plan couples and stories! I planned out the series for the first three books, expecting […]