Updated Cookbook Collection
I’m a big fan of food and ever since I tossed aside the idea of dieting, I’ve been in a much happier place with eating it and enjoying it! I’ve posted before about diets and food that I won’t link here because I’m not interested in perpetuating some of those things, but I will link my initial cookbook collection along with their rankings. Today’s post is a bit of an update on that because my cookbook collection has grown exponentially, and factors heavily into how I plan meals (post on that coming soon!). Without further ado, here’s a close-up on my entire cookbook collection as of right now. Skinnytaste Collection These are partially a holdover from my dieting days and I really hate the “Skinnytaste” name, but they’re good cookbooks. I don’t pay attention whatsoever to the calories or information she includes. I preordered the new one coming out later this year because it’s a “Simple” book with five-ingredients or less I think. I have all of the Skinnytaste cookbooks: Air Fryer Dinners Air Fryer Cookbook Original Skinnytaste One and Done Meal Prep Fast and Slow Four of them are larger full-size cookbooks and there are two smaller ones about the air fryer. Generally speaking I’ve made the most recipes from the last three that I listed above. Celebrity Chefs and Other Go-To Books These are some of my favorites and go-to cookbooks! Some of them are brand new and I haven’t read them yet so we’ll see if they […]