On My List (10)
I loved Jamie’s New to the Queue feature because it highlighted new things she added to her different “to do/ read/ watch/ etc.” lists. This feature on my blog – called On My List – will show off the most recent books, movies, shows, podcasts, recipes, crafts, and other things that have made it onto my to-do list. These are the things I’m hoping to get to in the near future. I haven’t done one of these in a VERY long time. I won’t feature all of the usual categories outside of reading because I want to focus a lot more on the books I’ve added to my TBR. I have a few categories around this as well since there are backstories to each category (for the most part). Mystery Books of All Types I’ve been watching a lot of booktube lately so most recommendations come from people like Meg With Books or Books and Lala. They’re mystery/thriller queens and I’ve decided to follow their advice for the majority of these books on my TBR! A few of these could certainly be in the second category about hype, since they are, but I wanted to keep the mysteries and thrillers separate. CONFESSIONS // I’ve heard nothing but exceptional things about this book but it took me a really long time to add it to my TBR for some reason. I think I’m intimidated by it, which is kind of silly. I finally took the plunge and even got it out from the […]