I love Jamie’s New to the Queue feature because it highlights new things she’s added to her different “to do/ read/ watch/ etc.” lists. This new random feature – called simply On My List – will show off the most recent books, movies, shows, podcasts, recipes, crafts, and other things to make it on my to-do list.
Currently Available
The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Meyerson | I added a few books to my TBR because of the Popsugar reading challenge, and this is one of them. I love books involving books/bookstores/libraries/etc. so this was a fun one! It involves a scavenger hunt too.
The Iron King by Kagawa | I saw some bloggers reading and rereading these lately and was inspired to finally add it to my TBR. I’m a huge fae fan and these are considered some classics in the genre, from what I understand.
The Dreamers by Walker | This keeps getting compared to STATION ELEVEN, which was a fascinating “outside of my norm” read… so you could say I’m intrigued! I love the idea of people just falling asleep but I have a bad feeling there won’t be much closure at the end?
Unreleased Books
Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered by Kilgariff/Hardstark | I went through a huuuuuge MFM podcast phase, but got SO burnt out after a while. I haven’t listened to an episode in over a year by now. I think I’ll pick it up again at some point and just listen when they come out. I DIGRESS – they have a book coming out that I’m a little curious about.
The Plus One by Archer | I’m on the fence about this because I always get nervous I’m always going to want the person to fall in love with the robot and then ??? I don’t even know. In any case, a robotics genius BUILDS a plus-one to her sister’s wedding and naturally falls for him. So curious.
Rated by Grey | I didn’t read her other books but this sounds interesting to me. Seeing anything about an academy or boarding school in a synopsis is instant read-bait for me… especially when they sound creepy or weird in one way or another.
TV Shows
Ted Bundy Tapes | Like many others, I’m fascinated by true crime. I love to freak myself out on a regular basis and it’s annoying but I cannot stop doing it. I think the upcoming Zac Efron movie about him looks interesting, but I see where people are complaining. I won’t get into that now. The show on Netflix looks good!
A Million Little Things | I think a lot of people are comparing this to THIS IS US, which I’ve fallen off the bandwagon for, but I’m more intrigued by this one. Who knows if I’ll ever actually watch it…
Roswell New Mexico | I never watched the original show but I am interested in this. Same with the CHARMED reboot on the CW. I’m fascinated by this new TV trend.
Abducted in Plain Sight | Continuing the true crime train, I had to add this one. It’s not a new movie I guess but it’s new to Netflix, so plenty of people are watching lately. I have to be better about actually watching these things I add to my list!
Io and How it Ends | Another random genre I keep adding to my list are sci-fi/dystopian/apocalyptic movies and I’m not sure why. I keep showing Chris and he’s super uninterested, so they’re all me I guess! One is about Jupiter’s moon being the next place for humanity and the other one has something to do with an apocalypse.
Casseroles | Most of my pins have been Weight Watchers friendly, but sometimes you just want to switch it up and make a cozy casserole. I’ve added the southwest chicken and jalapeno popper chicken ones recently. Chris isn’t quite as into spicy things as me but hopefully he’d try the second one!
Instant Pot | I got an Instant Pot for Christmas and have been enjoying it quite a bit! I keep pinning a lot of recipe ideas, including this breakfast casserole and honey garlic chicken. I usually use it to quickly cook frozen chicken for shredding but have also used it for other kinds of meals so far.
Essential oils | I keep seeing oils everywhere and have been thinking of diving in. I know it’s kind of a slippery slope and I need to stop spending money on all of these trends and hobbies… but I WANT TO. I’m curious about them but it’s really hard to find unbiased information. Everyone has a favorite brand they’re loyal to and spend a lot of time pressuring people into enjoying that particular brand. I’ve been looking into reviews and trying to make the right decisions.
Salt lamp | I’ve seen a lot of great things about these himalyan salt lamps but I’m not sure about them! Anyone have one? I’ve been browsing and contemplating this one because people claim you need something certified and I’m not sure what that all means.
Welcome to Degrassi | I saw Hannah tweet about this the other day and I really hope it’s the latest kick in the pants I need to WATCH DEGRASSI AGAIN. I’ve been wanting to rewatch and finish this show for yearrrrrs and I just have not done it yet. I love watching a show and listening to a podcast after, so let’s hope I pull this one off.
Garbage & Gold | Former book blogger Lisa and her friend debate the “garbage and gold” of pop culture, including Disney princesses and old school rap music. You get to listen and vote in on whose opinion is correct!
The Pocket Post Card | I’ve been into Connecticut or New England bloggers lately, and that has expanded into this podcast. The host talks with various bloggers and influencers in the area. The first episode is with a CT-based blogger, which is why I’ve added it.
Yes! I have a Himalayan salt lamp and I love mine! You should get a certified one because there are a ton of knockoffs which don’t have the benefits of real Himalayan salt. I can’t speak too much about the healing properties but I think it’s a cute piece of decor lol!
hahah that’s kinda my interest level too! lol
So much yes about the essential oils. I tried Young Living, but felt it was too expensive for me to really continue with. I’ve since used Eden’s Garden, which is not an MLM and way more affordable and I’ve enjoyed them just as much. Also they sell lots of different sizes, so you don’t have to commit to massive amounts of stuff. I don’t consume them, just diffuse or use topically, so I feel totally fine using Eden’s Garden. Not that you need another oil pusher, but just an idea!
Good to know!! Thank you!
YES the IRON KING! I love this series so much. I also love essential oils. I don’t chat about them much in our chat, but I use them a lot and they’ve really helped me.
Good to know!! I’ll have to chat with you separately about this!