My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
September TBR
I’m doing something a little different for my TBR this month. After having a lot of success with my 7 books in 7 days challenge, I knew I wanted to challenge myself in a different way to get going on my goal. I definitely didn’t want to read 7 books in a week again because it was a lot of pressure, but I came up with something fun to do for the month of September. My goal is to read at least two books a week but I would prefer three, especially in the weeks before we go to Hawaii. I recently broke my “EOY TBR Predictions” post into a few categories of books: comic, cookbook, magical, mystery, contemp, and holiday. For the month of September, I’m going to aim to read or start three books each week from the three biggest categories: magical, mystery, and contemporary.
The Categories
Magical: books that involve some kind of magic. This could be magical realism, time travel-ish things / parallel universe kinds of books, or fantasy/paranormal books.
Mystery: a catch-all for mysteries, thrillers, and any crime-related fiction I may read. This includes the vaguely mysterious even though they’re probably more contemporary.
Contemp: self-explanatory but contemporary fiction or romance, both YA and adult.
The Books
Below I have three columns – one for each genre bucket I created. The goal is to mix and match, grabbing one from each column to read each week of the month. I’m not going to assign certain books to specific weeks but I hope to read one book from each column each week, resulting in reading 8 to 12 books in the month of September.
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