My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. Last month’s progress: SIGH. WHAT IS READING?! I go through phases where I read a REALLY good book and it inspires me to read 1-2 more in a row, and then I stop reading for like a week. It’s frustrating as hell. I actually didn’t fully stick to my TBR last month either because I kept switching things around for the Magical Readathon, which I did complete! Woohoo! I also managed to read all of the egalleys I listed in my review copy section, except for one. Another score! Non-Review April Leftovers I had this listed last month for the Magical Readathon (and other reasons) but I never got to them. I’m keeping THE DECK OF OMENS, HOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD, and THE ART OF LAINEY on my May TBR, but I’m not sure that I’ll read them… as usual. I’m hoping to get to DECK as soon as possible since I have the audio and physical copy to mix in throughout the month. Review Copies Super impressed that I read all of my egalleys last month except one! This month has a lot of new releases but there were quite a few […]