I wrote in my recent resolutions post that I really want to get my Negalley ratio up to 80%. I’m pretty proud of myself for currently being at 74% – that’s honestly quite a good number! I thought it would be fun and motivational for me to take a look at the egalleys I have on my Kindle, pick out 15 that I definitely still want to read, and develop a little TBR. A few are not released yet and I have real plans to read them ahead of their pub date. I’m going to attempt to not request any more books unless they’re ones I’d read literally ASAP when approved! This is obviously also not an exhaustive list of egalleys I have or books that are coming out soon, more just like ones to get excited about finally reading!
Not Published Yet
I’m actually reading REUNITED ON DRAGONFLY LANE this week! I’m so bummed to leave Sweetwater Springs behind but her next series sounds just as atmospheric. LIFE’S TOO SHORT is the final book following these characters and I loved the second book (compared to the first) so hopefully this one is just as good. A PHO LOVE STORY – man, I literally remember when this was announced and I was so so so excited. The fact that it’s been on my Kindle for months and I still haven’t read it super early??? Dang. And THE MEET-CUTE PROJECT comes out very soon. Gotta get going on it.
I honestly don’t remember much of HUSBAND MATERIAL or THE BOY TOY so it may be fun to trust my NG request reason and read them without checking the synopsis again! SIMMER DOWN is about food trucks so I’m shocked I haven’t read this yet haha. Embarrassingly, ALL THINGS NEW has been on my Kindle forever. I really enjoyed her first book so I should definitely make it a point to get to this one.
The BRIDESMAIDS BEHAVING BADLY series has been on my TBR forever – I have a few copies of the books in the series across different formats that I could read. Holiday was my favorite new-to-me 2020 author so I definitely am feeling ready to catch up on her first Forever series! COMICS WILL BREAK YOUR HEART is one I was pumped for so I’m feeling quite stupid for not reading it right away. I DO NOT TRUST YOU is another one I was excited for – I’ve been really into thrillers lately so hopefully the mood strikes soon. SNAPPED is the final(?) book in the football-based series I’ve been really enjoying.
BOOKISH AND THE BEAST has been on my list forever but I started to get nervous for the couple I fell in love with in book one. I don’t want to spoil anything but I know some shit and now I don’t want to read this. But I have to! IF I NEVER MET YOU would actually be my first book by McFarlane, an author many of my friends love, so I should hop to it. And last but not least, I don’t think RICOCHET had a lot of great reviews but it’s one I was super excited for and I should just try out.
I really like this idea, Lauren, and I think I’ll make myself a spreadsheet to refresh my aspirations of actually reviewing most/all of my review copies! Right now there are so many that I received ages ago and I feel awful that I haven’t had the time or, honestly, the motivation to actually do the thing and read them. Lists always help everything, though, so maybe this will do the trick 🙂 Best of luck on tackling this TBR!
Good luck!!
You have some great NetGalley titles on deck! I’m up to 82% and thrilled about it! I only have about 11 unread titles and I’m hoping to be down to ~5 by the end of the year (I know I’ll end up requesting more so I’ll account for that). Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated to read the REALLY backlist ones I have!
Woooo! Good work! Yeah, no kidding – I have a lot I shouldn’t have requested haha.
[…] This topic makes me want to cry a little bit, not gonna lie. There are probably a ton of books I could feature here. My reading was garbage last year and we all know it haha. However, I decided to make this the top ten books that I am genuinely baffled I didn’t prioritize last year (I’m going to keep it to 2020 releases that I didn’t have review copies for – since I’ve kind of already talked about some of those I should have read!). […]