Five on Fridays #9

Posted December 5, 2014 / Five on Fridays, Weekly Memes / 3 Comments


Five on Friday displays the the top five things that have been on my mind this week! It could be book-related, but it may be music, movies, TV, personal life, food, etc.

It’s been a while since I’ve done of these! The past two Fridays ended up being busy and I just never got around to it.

Ally Ambassador

ONEAll Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)I am VERY excited that I was accepted to be an Ally Ambassador! In case you didn’t know, Ally Carter (author of the Gallagher Girls series) has a new series coming out next year: Embassy Row. I didn’t even have to read the synopsis to know I wanted to read it. Her books are about spies, criminals, and now international conspiracies – so cool. The first book in the Embassy Row series is All Fall Down, and because I was one of the first 100 people to sign up, I get an ARC! Wooo-hoo. I sent them my mailing address and am anxiously awaiting my new pretty. This also means that I should probably read Heist Society, finally…

Nadine West

TWOI may have an addiction called “spending money I shouldn’t on subscription/monthly boxes.” I like the concept of monthly clothing-related boxes, but I have a body type that doesn’t fit in most sizes. HOWEVER, I came across Nadine West a while back and it’s amazing! It’s the kind of box that sends you a few items and you can send back what you don’t like; only keep and pay for what you do like! The boxes include accessories (jewelry, hair ties, scarves) and clothes. I haven’t gotten any clothes in mine yet (probably because I was very specific in my taste profile that clothing does NOT fit me properly), but everything else is so cute! I’ve gotten the boxes for a few months and have kept a number of things. It’s great because I can just send back what I’m not into and everything is pretty darn cheap! No item costs more than $35 and most items that I’ve gotten cost between $10 and $20. I recommend it if you’re looking for a less expensive alternative to some subscription boxes!

tumblr_ng2wujsfwa1shiv3ro1_500Ferguson and New York

THREEMost people have stopped talking about Ferguson, but the issue was recently brought up again this week when – yet again – it was decided that cops can kill unarmed black teenagers or men without any consequence, even in cases with clear evidence. I’m extremely sad about the direction this country is talking. I really don’t know if it’s wise to get into this issue here, but I will leave you with some of my viewpoints concisely explained by Jon Stewart.

Book Host

FOURI already posted about my real life insta-love with Book Host, my blog’s new host – but I thought it was worth mentioning yet again! Seriously guys, if you’ve ever decided you wanted to self-host but had NO idea where to begin, check it out. You get the Ultimate Book Blogger Plug-in AND the Tweak Me themes, which are amazing! Not to mention a host that answers all of your annoying questions pretty damn quickly. I can’t stop talking about it.

Secret Santas and Swaps

FIVEWoooo! My shopping is officially done for two out of three swaps/secret santas that I signed up for. I just finished buying for my 12 Days of Christmas Swap yesterday, but am unfortunately waiting for two more things in the mail. Luckily my swap partner Jenna is having the same issue with my gifts, so we both may get more than one package for this swap. I also finished up with my Broke and Bookish Secret Santa…but again I’m waiting for more things to come in. Book Outlet had a great Black Friday sale and unfortunately lots of people decided to go the same route; most packages are kind of delayed and I’m nervous. Of course I’m very curious about who has ME for Secret Santa too! I wonder when I’ll get my package. I’ve seen a lot of people have already shipped theirs out.

my week in a tweet

I’m cheating and including two tweets. I’ve been a crazy person trying to avoid (a) buying books for myself and (b) especially buying books from my wishlist! I’ve wanted to read Even In Paradise for soooo long but I added it to my wishlist, so I don’t want to buy it and read it if someone already got it for me! Also, I neeeed to stop hitting snooze every morning. I want to get up and READ.

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