FREEBIE: Books I Have Very Strong Feelings About
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make LISTS of our top ten books based on that week’s prompt… and then we stalk other people’s answers to add a million books to our TBR. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here.
Because I am not the most creative at coming up with my own things (you can tell this by the lack of lists I’ve been posting on my blog in general), I browsed the Broke and Bookish site to see what some old topics for this were. Since my blog is newer, I’ve missed out on many years of TTT’s. I chose the topic of “books I have very strong feelings about.” Two categories here are good feelings and books I enjoyed. The other two…not so much.
What a Great post 🙂 This is fun getting to see all the ideas everyone is coming up with for the TTT
I feel the same way you do about We Were Liars. It was ok, but it could have been way better.
Loved Anna and the French kiss as well as To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Twenty Boy Summer and Second Chance Summer are both on my TBR shelf I need to get to those ASAP.
YES! Definitely get to Twenty Boy Summer and Second Chance Summer if you can 🙂
Goodness, I remember being a sniffling mess when I read Twenty Boy Summer. I haven’t reread it for a few years now, but I have a feeling that I would have the exact same reaction now. Same with The Fault in Our Stars. I read it when it first came out, and haven’t reread it since, but I was definitely bawling. Death in books get me every time, but I love those sort of books. I think I would definitely have Fangirl in the warm and fuzzy category. Love the post!
Thank you! I haven’t read Fangirl yet but I DO own it, so I need to get going!
Ooo, nice topic for the week!!! I like your list. 🙂 Here’s my TTT post for the week:
Thank you! 🙂
Warm and fuzzyyyyyyy 🙂 I love Anna so much for the same reason 😀 And yeah, will definitely be avoiding your rage inducing books haha. I also tend to avoid rip-your-heart-out books. Can’t handle most of them.
Anna is THE fuzziest ever. I’m pretty sure “fuzzy” and “swoony” are the only words I ever use to describe it, honestly. Most people liked Rites of Passage, so perhaps I’m a black sheep on that one, but September Girls was seriously god-awful. I haven’t read a good review of that one haha. I have to really be in the mood for sad books honestly. I love to cry (really weird) so I don’t mind it 😉
I completely agree with Rites of Passage being Rage-inducing. I wanted to scream and had to put the book down a million times. Matthew’s the absolute worst. The only book I read on your “rip your heart out and stomp on it” is TFIOS and that was years ago. 🙂 I agree though, so sad. And aw, We Were Liars is one of my favorites and TSaBSoAL is on my To-be-eventually-read list. Haha.
I love the topic you chose for this freebie top ten. I liked We Were Liars, but I can see why people would find it boring. I agree with you about Anna and The French Kiss. I would totally throw Fangirl in that warm and fuzzy category as well.
I read most of these and I agree with these! Anna and the French Kiss is definitely a nice and fluffy read, even though I felt like I could enjoy this more, but aww about Ava Lavender. I was looking forward to that last year, but then I just lost interest and I haven’t picked it up at all. Hahah oh well!
Nice list!
I’ve heard of a lot of people enjoying Ava Lavender – you may like it!
Ah, I love this idea! I completely agree with We Were Liars! I feel like the biggest black sheep ever, but yes. I did adore Rites of Passage though. It was infuriating, but I felt it was honest too. I still have to read Second Chance Summer, I am a bit scared for the heart-stomping. And absolutely to TFiOS. My heart is breaking just thinking about it. Love your list!
I think it was definitely honest. Some parts were just difficult to listen to. But at the same time, I felt like it was very boring and repetitive (even though that may represent the military life with all of the schedules). Just didn’t work for me!
Second Chance Summer has some amazingly sad parts mixed with very happy ones. It was just such a great book.
I just realized again how I really need to read Second Chance Summer. A good book to make me cry and I’m sold. Plus, Morgan Matson is a great writer and I loved her other books.
I love her writing. I still need to read Amy & Roger though!
I agree 100% with your placement for The Fault in our Stars, Anna and the French Kiss and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. I thought they were both great, and I really like the Lola and Isla books as well. I haven’t read any of the others, but I trust your judgement!
I loved Lola and Isla. I feel like every time I include Anna in a post like this, I automatically (in my head) include the other two books 😛
Haha, love this post! I actually don’t think I’ve read any of these, except for Anna, but now I know a few to approach with caution!
– Barbara @ My Bibliophile Mind
Yes definitely! haha
Finally someone who agrees with me on my feelings for We Were Liars. I read it, expecting great things, didn’t like it at all. Then, after reading it I keep hearing amazing things about it, so I can’t understand what is going on. Haha.
I like how you didn’t just include the positive feels 🙂
Thank you 😀 YES I love meeting people who didn’t like We Were Liars! Few and far between
I’m loving all these diverse TTT topics! I see a couple books I’d love to read on your list as well – To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before + TFIOS, to name a few (shhh, I’m one of those heathens who hasn’t read it yet. Don’t judge! ;)). Sorry to hear you didn’t love We Were Liars, though. I’m reading it at the moment and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but it seems everybody who’s read it either loves it or hates it, so it’s interesting to see that you were just bored!
Haha yes I was definitely bored, but by the ending I kind of hated it. Just didn’t work for me!
I love this topic idea, lady!
Completely agree about Annie and Anna – such heartwarming reads!
And hell yes to Fault in Our Stars – ALL THE FEELS. Second Chance Summer makes me tear up whenever I think about it. 🙁
I want to read all the books in your Warm, Fuzzy Perfection group– I’ve been dying to read a warm and fuzzy book. Especially since all the books I pick up thinking they’re going to be warm and fuzzy drop a mega-serious issue bomb right in the middle of the story.
I’m all too aware of the hype monster, which is why I’m avoiding We Were Liars. Books that are built up so high have the farthest to fall, so I’ll wait until the buzz dies down before I pick up that book.
READ THEMMMM. They’re so good.
I love your topic this week! I personally have heard a lot of mixed things about Ava Lavender, from people saying it was a snoozefest to others praising it for being really profound/sad. I think it’s one that I’ll have to try from the library!
Definitely try it, but I think if you aren’t engaged by the first chapter or so – you should quit. I kept pushing through, thinking something was going to happen, but I just didn’t end up caring. A lot of people thought it was profound and well-done; I did like the writer’s style.