Musing Mondays #5

Posted August 25, 2014 / Musing Mondays, Weekly Memes / 10 Comments

musing monday

ava lavenderTell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.

I’ve been struggling through the audiobook for The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. I’m a little over halfway done with it and I don’t know if I have the energy to continue. I chose it because it seemed like a really interesting concept and had seen some pretty good reviews. Here are all of the things I can’t stand about this book:

  • The audiobook narrator’s voice!!!!!
  • The fact that the entire first half of the book is the random history of Ava’s family, starting back with her great-grandparents in France. We spend nearly 50% of the book listening to the depressing as shit story of how the family got started.
  • This book is obviously somewhat paranormal/unrealistic (I mean, it’s about a girl with wings), but other parts are so bizarre. The grandmother’s sister became a bird or something? The mom disappeared and became a blue dust? There are ghosts following her around? I genuinely don’t get this book.
  • WHEN IS SOMETHING GOING TO HAPPEN??? Ava, the main character, was FINALLY just introduced into the book, and still NOTHING is happening and the book is still continuing to talk about a bunch of random family shit. I am really curious if there even is a plot to this book, or if it will continue to be a sad family history instead.

Ugh. Anyone else read this one? I can’t take it much longer! I generally refuse to stop reading books, especially since I spent money on it and devoted so much time to it. I just need to know if it’s going to get any better.

2014-08-02 22.50.11

10 responses to “Musing Mondays #5

    • I know! I’m so confused by the positive reviews. The book seems to be well-written, but I don’t care for it at all beyond that. It’s so boring and I just need something to happen!!

    • I agree. They do move slowly in general. I really only listen to them while I get ready in the morning and while driving. They’re nice because I can “read” when otherwise I wouldn’t be able to. The narrator’s voice is really important too. This book just seems like the plot in general is slow and the audiobook pace doesn’t help.

  1. I haven’t read or listened to this one–but I agree that the narrator can definitely be a deal-breaker! I often have problems when a narrator tries to do accents–or, if it’s a female narrator, if they try to do a male voice. It usually just distracts me from the actual narrative. On the other hand, a great narrator is like an unexpected gift!

    • YES! Exactly how I feel. I had a narrator attempt to do Spanish and British accents and it was truly the worst impression I’ve ever heard. This narrator must be actually French, because when she speaks in French or uses a French accent it sounds spot-on….but, I think that’s what makes her regular English narration not work so well. I just don’t like her annunciation and tone of voice. A great narrator is totally unexpected and wonderful!

  2. Breana M.

    I haven’t read that one yet, but best of luck to you. I’ve noticed that sometimes even if it is an audiobook that it doesn’t make the book any easier to get through.

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