Top Ten Tuesdays #83: Best Recent Books

Posted March 29, 2016 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 16 Comments

top 10 tues watercolorBest Books I’ve Read Recently (4.5 or 5 stars)

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

header best booksI actually just had a post planned for last week involving a similar topic. After some adjustments, I was able to get ahead and make it this week’s TTT instead! I love being able to highlight favorite recent books because I feel like books always need love. A lot of these books are actually not even released yet, so keep your eyes peeled for them when they’re out! Hopefully you’ll add them to your early TBR list 😉 Please note that the months below show when I read the book, not its release month.

1After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid: This book is also one of my favorite books ever, I’d say. Just like 2015, there’s a good chance that TJR takes home the “favorite book of the year” award. I know there are still 9 more months left for some favorites to pop up… but I dunno. This one could take the cake. I absolutely love her writing style. Everything about this book was relatable – from relationship issues to spending time with family to treating yourself instead of focusing on other people for once. Even though I personally wouldn’t spend a year apart from my boyfriend/husband, I can completely relate to everything they went through during that timeframe. I just loved it.

We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson: This one has been big on my blog within the last couple of weeks. I featured it on my previous TTT and my review also posted last week. Read those if you want more FEELS about this particular book 😉

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows: THIS BOOK WAS PRETTY PERFECT. *screams incoherently*  If this isn’t on your TBR for June yet, please change that immediately. I’m not a big historical fiction person (although I plan to try to get more into it). I do enjoy a good historical book if there are some fantasy elements involved, like faeries or magic. This book had wonderful bits of magic, was so funny, and truly unlike anything I’ve ever read before. I’m going to be annoying about this book until everyone decides to read it, okay?2Parallel by Lauren Miller: I’m a big fan of books pushed on me by Andi. She knows my tastes pretty well, and we share a common love for parallel life books. This one was no exception. I love seeing how different choices or events can create parallel universes, as well as seeing how the characters change in each one. There’s always that comparison between destiny and choice; I love seeing which way books will lean! Aside from the parallel stuff, I loved the friendship and family feels in this book. It was one of the best books I read last year and I will probably reread it sometime soon. (I need to go back and get explanations for everything!) I’m happy to have another published Lauren Miller book to read and another one in the works.

The Score by Elle Kennedy: Swoon. Swoon. Swoon. I didn’t like Dean in previous books in this series, but ohhhh god. From my review: “I was kind of nervous when I learned this one was about Dean. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about his manwhore ways, but he totally exceeded my expectations. Everything about his character development was believable and wonderful. Allie was great too. I loved seeing how she finally let herself continue hooking up with Dean and growing into her plans for the future. The two of them had undeniable chemistry and lots of ~sexual adventures~ that outdid alllll of the other scenes in the previous two books.”

Dreamology by Lucy Keating: Prepare yourself for a read-bait post about dreams soon, because I am seriously in the market for more books like this! I knew from the minute I saw the adorable cover of this book that it would be fantastic. It did not let me down! I loved it so, so much. The romance (both in dreams and reality) was so swoony and adorable. I did not want this book to end. The concept itself was unique and the characters were perfect. From my review coming in a couple of weeks: “Overall, I sincerely loved this story. I couldn’t stop reading it. I shipped them like crazy. I want to frame the cover art on my wall. I want to be friends with Oliver and Sophie. I want Jerry to be my dog. I LOVED IT ALL.” — very accurate.3Winning by Lara Deloza: To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect from this book at all. It ended up completely exceeding my lack of expectations (if that’s possible). It was literally like Mean Girls to the billionth degree and should be on everyone’s TBR if they liked that movie. It’s bad people doing bad things and just a lot of fun. I think I understand the meaning of the phrase “book crack” now. It made me think on a lot of things, especially involving teens and the message they might get from the book. Anything that gets me thinking like that is worth mentioning. Add it to your TBR for June!

The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne: This has been on my TBR foreeeever, especially because of that adorable perfect cover. I think I even preordered it. Lol, whoops. I DID add it to my Must Read in 2016 TBR and I’m happy to have crossed it off! Definitely exactly what I expected and hoped for from this particular book. There were a lot of smart people pushing me to read it and they were definitely right.

Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan: I started reading a couple pages of this one afternoon and then couldn’t stop. There was just something about it that really stuck with me as I was reading; I never wanted to quit. I’m not a huge fantasy reader, but I have been trying to expand back into it lately. This was fantasy-light, in the sense that I think non-fantasy readers could really enjoy it and pick up the world quickly. I was super interested in it and understood the world-building immediately. It’s hard for me to keep engaged because I lose interest with too many descriptions and things like that. I’ve seen mixed reviews from this one, but it earned a great rating from me. Plus that cover! Holy moly.4True Letters from a Fictional Life by Kenneth Logan: I borrowed this from an ARC tour and almost elected not to review it and just send it back. I don’t know why, but the description wasn’t totally grabbing me at the time. I’m SO happy I decided to keep it and read it, because I would have missed out on a fantastic story. I don’t read a lot of (a) QUILTBAG books, (b) books where the main character is a guy, or (c) books about coming out. It reminded me of some of my other favorite books (loved and loved) and hit me in the feels constantly. I loved the characters too. This is another June one to keep your eyes peeled for.

The Martian by Andy Weir: Yep, finally read it. I really enjoyed it! I was expecting to be totally blown away and I wasn’t exactly… but it was very, very good. The science-y stuff felt a bit too much for me at times, but I think the humor of the main character completely made up for it. I loved the story and the glimpses back on Earth while he was gone too. I haven’t posted my review yet because I plan on also including my review of the movie. I haven’t seen it yet because I gave it to my dad for his birthday and he’s too knee-deep in March Madness basketball to watch something else. (I can’t blame him, it’s the same for me.) So, that review will be coming sometime in April maybe!

Wanderlost by Jen Malone: This was just WAY TOO CUTE. I finally am back in the mood for shippy fluffy romance, thank god, and this book came at the right time. I said in my mini Goodreads review: “Super cute! I loved it. There were obviously some more cliche moments (with all the lying of course), but the rest of the book was definitely enough for me to forgive that. Swoony romance, adorable main character, and MAJOR wanderlust feels. I need to go to Europe.” That’s really all I could add! Review is coming sometime in May, so keep your eyes peeled and add it to the TBR if you love Europe, swoons, and fluff.

16 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #83: Best Recent Books

  1. So happy to see Dreamology on there. I have it coming up. Also I bought After I Do and am pumped to get to it (once I get through the pile of ARCs I have!) I really enjoyed the Martian as well. I didn’t think I would but it surprised me. I have never heard of Parallel but I need to look into it as it looks like something i would love. Great list!

    Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted: My Last Ten 5 Star Reads
  2. Great list. Now I really want to read Reign of Shadow!!! 🙂

    I loved The Martian, unfortunately I had already watched the movie, before reading the book, and I hate when it happens, because I like to be surprised by my readings, it’s annoying knowing the entire story in advance.

  3. So many awesome books on your list, these are ones I have either loved myself or am desperate to read. I absolutely LOVED The Martian, that one made my list this week too. It was just so funy and Mark Watney is now one of my all time favourite characters, I am desperate to read My Lady Jane, it looks so good. I am definitely going to be adding some of these to my already endless TBR, so thanks for the awesome recommendations!!! 🙂 Here’s my most recent five star reads, if you want to check them out 🙂

  4. After I Do is my favorite Taylor Jenkins Reid novel! It’s just such a brilliant portrayal of a relationship, and of the individuals in a relationship, and I really loved it. Plus, I was a full on sobbing mess when I read it! I also really enjoyed The Wrong Side of Right, which has a very Sarah Dessen vibe but manages to be different in the end. I really liked Kate, so it was really fun to just read her story and experience everything along with her! I loved The Score (I love this entire NA series) too! And My Lady Jane was epic. I thought it was hilarious and fun and just something new, and I’m so excited for everyone else in the universe to read it too!

    I’m very much looking forward to Wanderlost! It sounds really cute, and I definitely plan on reading that one within the month since I’ll be on a trip of my own 😉 And I wanted to read The Martian! Science fiction generally tends to make me nervous, but I am determined to give it a shot before I watch the film.

    • Yep, TJR’s books always make me cry too! They’re perfectly well-rounded with side characters, friends, and family themes too.

      Completely agree about The Martian – it’s not overwhelming (the sci-fi stuff) but the main character is hilarious and awesome.

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