Your Favorite Genre
Genre (noun): a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
This is a topic that is pretty heavily discussed in the bookish community. Is Young Adult a genre? I did a little bit of googling and found this interesting article.
Young adult is an age group – a SUGGESTED age group. Within that suggested age group, there are plenty of different genres…just like “adult” books. I’ll also say that young adult books typically have teenagers for their main characters. That doesn’t necessarily mean that only teenagers can read them! I like reading books, no matter the age or topic, because it’s interesting. It is sometimes easiest to say “young adult” when people ask what your favorite genre is, because it encompasses so many different types of books you enjoy(ed) reading. But, I bet people would find it odd if you said “adult” as an answer. That’s not a genre! they would say. Sorry for rambling but I just wanted to make the point that young adult technically is not a genre, but it is my favorite age group to read or read about. For a better answer to this question, here are my Goodreads shelves (see picture).. They encompass pretty well what genres I prefer based on the amount of books in each of them.
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