30 Day Book Challenge – Day 11

Posted August 11, 2014 / Book Challenges, Features / 4 Comments

A Book You Hated

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

I tried so hard with this one. One of my friends said it was her favorite book and the plotline sounded so promising. I’m always intrigued by these semi-paranormal books about the afterlife. Throw in a serial killer and it sounds even more interesting.. It just fell flat for me and was totally boring. I even lost interest watching the movie. This is the ONLY book I’ve ever stopped reading. I am a person who must finish a book, no matter how awful or boring, and this one I just couldn’t.

See this review on Goodreads to further summarize how I felt.

4 responses to “30 Day Book Challenge – Day 11

  1. I tried to watch the movie but…I couldn’t. I did watch it but skimmed…because it was so creepy, eerie and I got so scared. I can’t image how the book must be but at the same time I’m very curious. Sorri you didn’t like it though. :/

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