WWW Wednesdays #18

Posted November 19, 2014 / Weekly Memes, WWW Wednesdays / 5 Comments


quoteWWW Wednesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading, where we answer three questions each week: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What are you planning to read next?

currently reading

The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner, #2)Biggest Flirts (Superlatives, #1)I’m still plugging along through The Scorch Trials. I’m not as enthused about it compared to The Maze Runner, but it’s still interesting enough. I feel like by the end of this series it’ll be more about the journey than the destination, but I still REALLY want to know what the fuck is going on. My goal is to finish the series by the end of the month; sometimes I think it would be better for me to just read the books instead of listen to them. Oh well. For my current read, I just started Biggest Flirts, in The Superlatives series. I’ve had the ARC for the second book, Perfect Couple, on my Kindle for months. I obviously wanted to read book one first. I’m enjoying it so far. I don’t like the trope of “I don’t need a boyfriend and will remain emotionally detached from boys until this one boy changes my mind,” but I’m hoping there will be a more unique take on the book based on the plot summary. We’ll see!

finish readingOne Past MidnightShadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)Eeep I finally finished One Past Midnight and really liked it! It was definitely a unique take on the parallel life concept that I love so much. I feel like the book got started very quickly, which was nice, but I wished there was a little more intro to learn more about her lives before she got started with her experiments. I loved the love interest and thought the twist at the ending was really great. I’d love to see what happens next, but I feel like the book would lose some of that magic if there was a sequel. Regardless, A+ from me! I also just finished Shadow and Bone for this month’s Book Buddies review. I was so pleasantly surprised by this book! It really was unlike anything I’ve ever read, as the quote on the cover says. I like that it wrapped up somewhat nicely, so I’m not on the very edge of my seat for the next book (since I won’t be reading it until January for the next Book Buddies review). I’m definitely interested to see what happens next. Amazing world-building but not as much character development as I’d like. I suspect that will change as the main character grows into her powers.

read nextThe Death Cure (Maze Runner, #3)Tumble & FallOf course, The Death Cure is up next. I think that I’ll be finishing The Scorch Trials tomorrow so hopefully I can start it asap! My boyfriend hated it, so I’m definitely curious to see what happens. I like that this series makes me question everyone – who the hell can Thomas actually trust?! Anyways, I got Tumble and Fall out from the library a while ago and think I’ll finally read it. It actually got a lot of bad DNF and 1-2 star Goodreads reviews from people I trust, so I’m anxious to see how I feel about it. I’ve had a month FULL of four star reviews; I forgot what it’s like to write a bad review! We’ll see if my feelings are right that a negative review is in my future. The concept seems interesting enough but many reviewers seem to think it falls short in a lot of ways. I have some holiday reads coming up after I finish, so I’m excited for that too!

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5 responses to “WWW Wednesdays #18

  1. Alise (Readers in Wonderland)

    “I still REALLY want to know what the fuck is going on” LOL. I remember my friend saying the exact same thing when she was reading that series. I saw the movie but don’t really have an urge to read the books. Haven’t heard of Biggest Flirts, I’ll have to check it out!

    Glad you enjoyed those two! I really need to read a Jessica Shirvington book sometime, so many people like her books. Shadow & Bone used to be my all time favorite YA fantasy book-loved that one.

    I’ve seen all those negative reviews for Tumble & Fall as well, that’s why I avoided it. If you like it, let me know! I’d be happy to read a positive review for it xD

    • Haha Maze Runner is killing me slowly, I think.. I just finished the second book and have even more questions. I didn’t think that was possible haha.
      I looooved One Past Midnight. I haven’t honestly looked into her other books though, for some reason.
      I’m honestly going to read the first few chapters of Tumble and Fall and see how I feel haha I just have a feeling I won’t be emotionally invested in what ends up happening.

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