Five on Friday displays the the top five things that have been on my mind this week! It could be book-related, but it may be music, movies, TV, personal life, food, etc.
Lazy Sunday
On Sunday last weekend, Chris and I were the laziest people on earth. We didn’t leave the apartment, except to sit on our back porch a couple of times. Our front door stayed locked all day from the night before and we hardly moved. It was AWESOME. The day before, we went to Maine to visit his sister for her birthday and spent the whole day travelling (3 hours driving up, 2 hours of time at dinner and hanging out in her dorm, and 3 hours driving home). We felt like we wasted the day because we spent 6 hours in the car. The next day we decided to waste the day in a much better way by being lazy and making the most of our free time. Normally we go to my Dad’s house on Sundays because he has NFL Sunday Ticket and we can watch my football team. Because the Panthers were on Monday night (I don’t even want to talk about how that game went), we just stayed in our apartment all day watching other football games. I took a bath, ate a lot of leftovers, browsed the internet, and just chilled.
Starbucks Caprese Sandwich
UMM wow. I went to Starbucks in Barnes & Noble yesterday for my lunch break because it was payday and I thought I would spend money I don’t have on books. Surprisingly I didn’t end up with any! Regardless, I ended up sitting in Starbucks, reading my book, and having my lunch. I, of course, ended up with a Gingerbread Latte, and decided to try the Caprese Sandwich for lunch. HOLY SHIT. It was so good. I can’t believe I’ve never had it before. There’s a good chance I end up back in Starbucks for lunch today even though I should not be spending $10 on a lunch like that (granted the latte itself is like $4).
12 Days of Christmas Swap Partner
I have found out my first swap partner! (You all know I signed up for too many holiday things) Jenna from Rather Be Reading YA is my partner and we’ve already gotten down to business. So far I have 4/12 gifts for her. I love the idea of this swap because the person is able to open one package a day in the 12 days before Christmas. It helps when you have a partner who has a great About Me section on her blog 😉 not to mention…
I love that my @cgswaps partner and I both love Slurpees enough to mention them in the about section of our book blogs. @bookmarklit
— Jenna (@RatherReadYA) November 12, 2014
TIME’s Banned Words Poll
I’m quite heated about this. TIME Magazine makes a poll about which words should be banned in 2015, because they are stupid and/or overused from 2014. A lot of the words were relevant and true: I’m sick of “bae” “om nom nom” (I can’t believe I even typed that one because I hate it SO MUCH) and “turnt.” One word on there that stuck out like a big sore thumb was “feminist.” That’s right, a word that captures an entire history of women’s rights activism and the fight for equality. Yeah. Let’s totally ban THAT word, right along with the extremely powerful word “basic.” Ughghghfdkjfkgjf The reasoning for the “ban” was the following:
You have nothing against feminism itself, but when did it become a thing that every celebrity had to state their position on whether this word applies to them, like some politician declaring a party? Let’s stick to the issues and quit throwing this label around like ticker tape at a Susan B. Anthony parade.
This is just really stupid to me. Saying the word and using it in the proper context is the only reason there has been actual attention on feminist issues this year. I understand that using it wrong and people speaking out against it doesn’t help, but it brings attention to those who are trying to show the REAL meaning of the world. Celebrities often DO come out about their political preferences as well – that’s their personal choice! I don’t think it’s necessary for interviewers to bug all celebrities about those personal stances, but if someone wants to come out and say they’re a feminist – please fucking let them.
I loved this topic on Twitter the other day! So many great tweets from my fellow book nerds about their confessions. I retweeted quite a few because they were all so relevant! You can see my contribution as my tweet of the week down at the bottom. Every time I go to the bookstore, I wish I had sticky notes and a pen so I could write recommendations and stick them to books. I wonder if you can get in trouble for that? All I want is to help people find the perfect books!!!
Every time I go to a bookstore, I wish I had sticky notes to leave YES READ THIS and NO STAY AWAY on every book I see #booknerdconfession
— Lauren (@bookmarklit) November 12, 2014
The caprese sandwich looks really good. I’ve never eaten at Starbucks before. I don’t typically go since I don’t drink coffee. I know they have other stuff, but it’s just not on my radar. I think I even have a gift card. I should go get a sandwich and a peppermint hot chocolate.
Definitely! The sandwich was amazing haha