Mashing Books/Characters Together
Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I was a little concerned about this topic when I first saw it because I am so bad at things like this lol. I like the idea though! This week we’re talking about books we would mash together or combine into one big epic book. I went the literal route for some of these, where I squished some characters and stories together, but I also did a few other iterations.
Juniper Lemon meets The Unlikelies
I loved both of these quirky books! The group called The Unlikelies was a group of, yes, unlikely friends coming together to act as low-key superheros in their town. They were all different (Breakfast Club style) and I just get a feeling that Juniper Lemon would fit in well with their crew. She could use some light and to spread kindness after everything she dealt with.
Young Widows Club meets Young Wives Club
Yes, this is probably a very obvious mash-up given the titles and premises, but I’m going for it. I’m all about the low-hanging fruit for today’s post. I didn’t love either one of these books, so maybe if the annoying MC from the Widows book hung around the more fun characters from the Wives book, I would have enjoyed myself more. Based on the titles and general ideas behind them, it would have been neat if they were companion stories somehow.
A Dangerous Year meets the Gallagher Girls series
Both of these stories feature some badass young spies and are set in boarding schools. The Gallagher Academy exists specifically to train girls into spies, while Riley Collins was given admittance to a boarding school to specifically look after an heiress and protect her. I feel like Cammie and the other Gallagher Girls would be able to help Riley and mold her into a better young spy and person.
The Dirty Book Club meets The Kiss Quotient
So this is a slightly different direction, but I would love for the ladies of the Dirty Book Club to read THE KISS QUOTIENT as one of their books! It was very steamy and should count as “dirty” enough for their romance-only book club. I would love to have read their thoughts on the book and could spin off into conversations about consent, diversity, and more.
Cherry meets The Nowhere Girls
Both of these stories are badass feminist tales in their own rights. I loved that CHERRY focused on a sex pact between friends that led to a lot of different feelings about sex, relationships, and sexuality. THE NOWHERE GIRLS focused a bit more on intersectional issues within feminism, but sex was a big part of it too. The girls created a sex pact to avoid having sex with guys at their school until changes were made. I’m not 100% sure how I would mash these books together, but they both bring different sexuality-related topics to the forefront and show opposite sex pacts bonding or breaking apart groups of women.
You did so good with this topic! It was too hard so I totally skipped it. I like The Dirty Book Club/ Kiss Quotient one!
Thank you 😀
I absolutely loved The Nowhere Girls but haven’t read Cherry. I’ll have to add it to my TBR. Also, I’ve been hearing so many good things about The Kiss Quotient that I really want to read it even though I normally stick to YA. Happy reading!
YES, read them both! 😀
I love your list! You did a great job pairing books. I love The Nowhere Girls and have been wanting to read Cherry for forever!