Fall TV Freebie: Ten Favorite TV Shows Ever
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
This week’s TTT is: In honor of Fall TV, do a tv-themed topic! Top ten favorite tv shows of all time, ten new shows coming out this Fall that are on my radar, tv shows I wish never got cancelled, tv shows I would recommend to book characters, books I wish would be tv shows, ten favorite shows from the late 90’s or early 2000’s, ten tv shows for every fantasy lover, etc. As usual, all of these ideas sound amazing. It took me forever to narrow this down to just one of these topics! I figured I don’t talk about TV too much on here except in passing, so I wanted to talk about my all-time favorite shows. The other topics may come sometime in the future!
I think this should go without saying because I try to toss a Friends gif in every review I write. I once cried about how much I loved Friends on New Years because people didn’t seem to understand it. I don’t even like talking about Friends with some people because I just don’t think they GET IT. There are some people I know I can count on though 😉 Full-on obsession though. I once wore out the DVDs and had to get a new boxed set.
Arrested Development
If there’s any show that comes kiiiinda (not really) close to Friends, it would be Arrested Development. I just love the characters and their antics SO much. I never get sick of watching episodes. The best part is that the more you watch the same episode, the more little jokes you pick up on. There’s always something new you didn’t catch the first time around. I can never get over it. Too smart for television.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
This show is so hilarious and messed up. These characters are ridiculously unlikeable and that’s what makes it so great! I watched the first four seasons in college and then somehow never picked up again until recently. Earlier this year, I binged the rest of them and loved every single second of it. I really hope this show never ends because I will watch it forever and ever.
Brothers & Sisters
I don’t want to talk about this show because I’m STILL not okay with its premature cancellation. One of my college roommates was obsessed with it and then it got cancelled, but I decided to binge on Netflix. What a fucking terrible cliffhanger and we’ll NEVER KNOW what happens. Still, the emotions and feels of this show are unparalleled for me. The best <3
If you like watching stoners do moronic things at work, I’ve got the perfect show for you! I just loooove the personalities of Blake, Ders, and Adam. They’re all so funny and often really awkward. It’s a pretty great mix. Chris watches this show more often than me but it’s still one of my favorites.
Broad City
If you like FEMALE stoners having insane escapades all around NYC, then this is the perfect show for you too. I think Workaholics and Broad City are fairly similar in a lot of ways but I love the girl-power-vibes from this one. I almost lumped them together on my list but Broad City really deserves its own spot. I think, at times, I like it more than Workaholics. Hillary Clinton even made an appearance on an episode!
Desperate Housewives
Ugh what a SHOW. The drama of this one is definitely like no other show I’ve ever seen. The last few seasons were definitely not the best, comparatively, but I still feel like I could have enjoyed watching their lives forever. Some of the twists and turns really threw me off. I don’t even want to talk about the death of one of my favorites ugh ugh ugh. If you haven’t watched this, you’re missing out. (Even just the beginning with Jesse Metcalfe is worth it!)
This show still makes me emotional. CAPPY FOR LIFE. This is where my obsession with Scott Michael Foster kicked in because now I watch him in anything I possibly can. Anywaaaays about the show though? Amazing. College setting and frats and amazing characters and just love love love.
Marvel Shows
This is a broad category because I seem to enjoy all of the Marvel shows we’ve watched! This includes our current show, Agents of SHIELD, as well as some we’re caught up on: Daredevil and Jessica Jones. We watched season one of Agent Carter and really enjoyed it, but we haven’t gotten to season two yet for some reason. Overall, solid TV in my opinion!
Stranger Things
I know there’s only one season but I haven’t stopped thinking about this show since I finished. I’ve thought about it every single day. If that’s not a favorite, I don’t know what is honestly. These kids! The town! The creepiness! The hot police officer! The craziness that will likely happen next season! GIMMEEEE.
Friends ♥ I used to watch It’s Always Sunny but kind of fell off at some point. Still they are so hysterical and just so wrong it was great. Stranger Things was AMAZING!!! Great list!
Omg I know, It’s Always Sunny really never has a bad episode in my opinion.
STRANGER THINGS I miss those kids already <3
I love FRIENDS too! It’s one of those shows that you can watch millions of times, and it’s still funny, heart warming and wonderful. And I’ve been wanting to watch Greek for so long, but I never really hear anyone talking about it? So I didn’t know whether I’d like it or not.
Absolutely. GREEK IS GREAT!!!!
Great choices. I love Friends, Brothers and Sisters, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Workaholics, Community and The OC. I have Stranger Things and Fresh off the Boat on my radar. I’m actually going to start ST as soon as I’m done with my Hawaii 5-0 binge watch. So many things to look forward to.
Yay! So great.
SCOTT MICHAEL FOSTER!! My love for him started with GREEK too haha.
YES!! Love me some Marvel shows. Well, Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter (RIP show sobs), as those are the ones I’ve seen haha. FITZSIMMONS, but especially Fitz <3 Season 2 of AC was pretty good! I miss Peggy/Hayley and Jarvis (and Sousa)!
Yesss, all so good!
Where have I been?!?! Sooooo many of these shows are totally new to me. I can’t believe I’m missing out on so much amazingness!! I definitely need to remedy that, and pronto!! (PS I heard Brothers and Sisters ended horribly without resolution, so even though I’ve WANTED to watch it forever, I’m scared to for that reason. I HATE not having closure. Like it will keep me awake at night. For real.)
I KNOW that’s the biggest issue with Brothers & Sisters 🙁 I’m so sad about the lack of closure but I loved the journey SO much.
My best friend watched Fresh Off The Boat and loved it so one day I will get to it. AND YES STRANGER THINGS IS MY FAVE I honestly cannot stop thinking about it either. It was so good.
CaNNOT STOP. Seriously. Daily.
Fotb is so, so great and funny.