Booking Through Thursdays #3

Posted August 7, 2014 / Booking Through Thursdays, Weekly Memes / 9 Comments

booking through thursday

When you visit a friend’s house, do you find time to browse their bookcases? Does it shock you if they don’t have one?

Absolutely! Doesn’t every bookworm do this?? I try to check out their shelves to see if I’ve read some of them, so we can discuss it and go crazy if it was a good book. If they haven’t read it and I enjoyed it, I make sure to tell them to read it ASAP if it’s lifechanging. It does kind of shock me if they don’t have bookcases because I have so many of them.

9 responses to “Booking Through Thursdays #3

  1. I have lots of friends who don’t read much or at all and I still can’t figure out how they haven’t figured out that their life is missing something. Mostly they claim that school ruined them when it comes to reading, but I just want to take them by the shoulders and shake them into clarity. I feel sad for people who don’t have bookshelves, because I know of all of the fantastic things they are missing out on.

    • Same here!! haha I try to swap books with friends as much as possible but I find that most of my friends, oddly enough, don’t really read that much 🙁

      • You know what? It’s the same way with me! I don’t find that most of my friends read. I try to convert them when I can by suggesting books that I know they’ll love, but most of them just don’t enjoy it like I do. That’s one of the reasons that I decided to start my book blog! I figure there’s got to be more people out there like us! 😛

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