Top Ten Tuesdays #24: Meant to Read in 2014

Posted January 13, 2015 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 19 Comments

top10tuesdayBooks I Meant to Read in 2014…and Didn’t

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make LISTS of our top ten books based on that week’s prompt… and then we stalk other people’s answers to add a million books to our TBR. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here.

OKAY so oddly enough, I prepared this post for last Friday, thinking it would be a neat little graphic to share for a discussion post… then I went on and found out it was the topic for this week’s TTT! The original topic is the top 10 books released in 2014 that I meant to read but didn’t. I tweaked it a little, so mine includes 14 books and may also include books from before 2014. Honestly too lazy to see when they were released!

Sometimes I look at my TBR and wonder how it’s possible that I haven’t read a certain book yet. When it was first released or I first heard of it, I was the most eager person in the world to get my hands on it. Maybe I even bought it. There are some books that have been at the forefront of my mind for months. I’ve pined over them. I’ve whispered “I’ll read you next” when I pass it in my list or in a store. I’ve read countless reviews on it. And yet…. I still haven’t read it.

Here are some of the books I cannot believe I didn’t read in 2014. I was so excited about them – obsessive even – and still never got to them. I’d like to say they’re my first priority for 2015, but who am I kidding?

books i cant believe i didnt read 2014


  • Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: Judging by how much I loved Since You’ve Been Gone and Second Chance Summer, I really need to get going on this one.
  • Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas: Everyone and their mother was pushing this one in 2014! I already own the audio and e-book for the first book and have the e-book of novellas.
  • My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick: This is one I kept saying I would read next… and didn’t.
  • Everything Leads to You by Nina Lacour: This has been on my TBR since even before my blog!
  • Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot: Oh god I wanted this book for so long and finally splurged on it, thinking I’d read it right away. I truly can’t believe that I didn’t read it the second I opened the package. I’m pretty sure this is a situation where I don’t want the book to disappoint.
  • Parallel by Lauren Miller: Another that’s been on my TBR for a while. I got it in my Uppercase box recently and need to read it! You know how I feel about parallel universe books, folks.
  • The Girl Who Never Was by Skylar Dorset: I NEED FAERIE BOOKS BACK IN MY LIFE.
  • My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal: TI think this book was a miss for a lot of people, but a feww ended up liking it. I’m very intrigued and it’s been on my list for a while.
  • The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder: On my TBR before I started my blog, part two.
  • My Life with the Walter Boys by Ali Novak: No excuses. I’ve wanted to read this one for a while.
  • The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle: I really like Lauren Myracle and this was on my list before my blog, part three.
  • The F-It List by Julie Halpern: Pre-blog, part four.
  • Nantucket Blue duology by Leila Howland: I know I’ll love these so much! The e-book prices have been crazy and I didn’t want to buy hardcovers for these for some reason. I don’t have a real excuse. I’m dumb.
  • The Rosie Project by Graeme Simson: I own this one and have heard nothing but good things… I just haven’t read a lot of “adult” reads lately.

What books can you not believe you didn’t read this year?

19 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #24: Meant to Read in 2014

  1. Throne of Glass, yup, that’s a gooden. My Life Next Door, also a good read, pretty emotional depending on your mood at the time. The Girl Who Never Was, errr, it’s not the best book going, but it’s also not terrible too, not too terrible anyway. I admit, I also wanted to read Everything Leads to You and Parallel last year but money and – getting distracted, (oops?) it’s not good. Good luck getting to these books soon though Lauren, I hope you like them.

    Amanda @ Beautiful Bookish Butterflies recently posted: No Books Allowed - Stacie's Christmas (AND BOOKS!)
  2. OHMGOSH – Throne of Glass. <3 Do it!!! Pretty much every single one of these it either on my wishlist or thinking about it list, and I'm pretty sure I have a couple of them downloaded as eBooks from a time when they were on offer… Great picks! The Rosie Project was a pretty decent and fun read – great if you like The Big Bang Theory… R x

  3. Great picks! I recently read The Infinite Moment of Us and I really enjoyed it, so I hope you will too. My Life Next Door is one that I’ve heard so many great things about though I haven’t read that one either. Parallel is such a good book too! It was kind of contemporary with a sci-fi twist which made it really unique and enjoyable. Hopefully you get around to reading these this year! 🙂
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. Throne of Glass!!! I read ToG, Crown of Midnight, and Heir of Fire last year, and oh my goodness. I LOVE that series so much. I can’t wait for book 4! I hope you get the chance to read it soon. And I hope you love it as much as I do. (Definitely one of my all time favorites!) I also read Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour last year and really enjoyed it. I have been wanting to read My Life Next Door, definitely think I should try and get to it soon. There are several on your list that I want to read! And a couple I think I’ll have to check out. Awesome list!


    Ok, my shock and disbelief is over now. 🙂

    I absolutely agree about Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour! I wanted to read that since I heard about how great Morgan Matson is, I have all three of her books and I have read zero so far. 🙁 My Life Next Door was also on my list, I was going to go on a romance kick this past summer and, er, well, I didn’t.

    I read part of Throne of Glass last year, but I didn’t finish it (it was long and I wanted something shorter to read). I’ve bought it though! So I should get around to reading it eventually in this life time.

    I started Even In Paradise, but haven’t finished it. I’m thinking of just buying it so I’ll be able to read it whenever I get around to it (rather than waiting for it at the library).

    I meant to read Parallel, The Museum of Intangible Things and Everything Leads To You as well.

    The Rose Project is one I want to read too, I need more adult fiction in my life.

    Amber @ YA Indulgences recently posted: All The Books I Meant To Read Last Year But Didn’t
  6. THRONE OF GLASS!!!!! Okay, disclaimer: when I read it I liked it. I thought it was pretty good but not the greatest thing ever. I enjoyed myself though. And then when I read the sequel Crown of Midnight OH MY GOD I NEED ALL THE BOOKS NOW. It got sooooooo good! The worldbuilding is incredibly deep but accessible and the characters. My god. You probably know all that but yeah. It’s a series that only gets better. And the novellas are fantastic too.

    Amy & Roger is suuuuper cute! I hope you get to read it soon!!

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