Month: August 2020

2020 Midyear Book Stats

Posted August 3, 2020 / Features, Wrap-Ups / 5 Comments
2020 Midyear Book Stats

Usually I do a whole big fancy post about my book stats and challenge progress, but I’m not currently in the mood to go down the “wow my reading is terrible so my challenges are abysmal” path right now. Even though I’m kind of about to. My current reading spreadsheet automatically makes graphs for me (!!!) so I thought it would at least be fun to share those and look at some breakdowns…. More on the percentages and less about the numbers themselves 😉 Also, these stats are just from January through June and reflect the actual half of a year. Books Read I always say that my goal is to read 50% or LESS of contemporary fiction, and it looks like I’m doing alright this year! I’m pretty surprised by this, not gonna lie. I like the somewhat equal breakdown between other genres. Mystery/thriller being around a quarter of my reads is really nice to see. I’ve been loving those books lately! Nonfiction is only bumped because ya girl has counted cookbooks in her abysmal reading challenge! This one isn’t super surprising, as I’ve been heading more toward adult fiction lately, but it’s still kind of crazy to see that I’m almost at a 50/50 split! I hope to get as close to that as possible as the year goes on. Book Status is a weird title for the chart but it’s basically asking where the book came from or how I acquired it when I read it. This […]