Month: September 2024

Recent Reads | I Need You to Read This and Such Charming Liars

Posted September 13, 2024 / Book Reviews, Recent Reads / 0 Comments
Recent Reads | I Need You to Read This and Such Charming Liars

I was one of the people who loved THE GOLDEN SPOON but I totally understand why people didn’t. That book was exactly what I wanted and expected it to be – basically a cozy mystery taking place at GBBO. I wasn’t expecting high-stakes thrills. Because of that, I went into I NEED YOU TO READ THIS with the same expectation. I think, for that reason, I enjoyed this more than others (though not as much as her adult debut). Her mysteries are not fully cozy but they’re not fast-paced thrillers either. I think this one took a while to get grooving – the main character was going through a lot but it wasn’t necessarily a thriller. Yes, she wanted to figure out what happened to the previous Dear Constance but there weren’t scary moments necessarily. I got halfway through the book and didn’t feel like anything happened. I thought some of the “twists” were incredibly obvious while others would have been, in my opinion, impossible to figure out (and not in a good way). I always hear people talk about “fair play mysteries” where you as the reader have all the information you need to solve the crime or mystery within the pages. No random boogeyman can come out and be the culprit. While I *do* think this technically counts as a fair play mystery, one of the elements came out of nowhere and it didn’t feel fair in a way. I won’t spoil it. The ending or whodunnit wasn’t […]

Bookmark Lit Bulletin | August 2024

Posted September 5, 2024 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 0 Comments
Bookmark Lit Bulletin | August 2024

The Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days. I feel like I can’t get past the eight-book hump which always puts me on track or one book behind on my reading challenge! I know September will be harder because of my birthday and the usual things I do in early fall. I hope to get another 8-9 books done at least!      8 books in August 8 read  •  0 reread  •  0 DNF Pages read: 2,776  •  Average rating: 3.44 stars Genres: 4 mystery/thriller, 2 contemporary, 1 nonfiction, 1 magical realism Formats: 4 mixed, 3 egalley, 1 hardcover Sources: 4 review, 2 preordered, 1 purchased, 1 borrowed Age Target: 6 adult, 2 young adult      Here are all the books I read this month with ratings and one-line thoughts!      Popsugar Reading Challenge: 36% 52 Book Club: 63% Book Cover Bingo: 84% 24 in 24: 29%      Breakdown: 5 hardcovers | 1 paperback | 0 egalley | 1 ebook | 0 audiobooks All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review. Physical Books Purchased at RJ Julia event: East Coasting by Chitnis, The Pairing by McQuiston BOTM: Like Mother, […]