Christmas in July: Upcoming 2022 Holiday Books
Here I am for my annual “Christmas in July” post that features upcoming holiday releases for the new season. I feel like I’ve actually noticed more than ever before lately and I’m so here for it. I used to not have any issues reading 90% of the books on my holiday TBR but with my overall reading numbers much lower than usual the past few years, I just don’t have time to read nearly as many holiday books as I’d like! I hope to reallllly carve out a ton of time in Oct-Dec to read as many as humanly possible. Season of Love by Helena Greer // I’m a sucker for any holiday book that takes place on a Christmas tree farm and the “queer, Jewish take on classic Hallmark tropes” line of the synopsis really works for me. So This is Christmas by Jenny Holiday // Very sad to see that this is the last book in her Royal holiday series! The synopsis indicates that it takes place in Eldovia (while some bits and pieces of the previous books took place between there and NYC) so I’m pumped. Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert // I have most of Reichert’s books on my TBR and I have a feeling this will be the first one I actually, finally read by her! Set in a Christmas market? Sold. The Christmas Clash by Suzanne Park // Another very fun setting – the mall! This story involves the teen children of rival food court […]