November & December TBR (Non-Holiday)

Posted October 30, 2023 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 0 Comments

My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.

November and December – EOY TBR
Not Including Holiday Books

As you may know, I usually combine my November and December TBRs into one post that excludes all of the holiday books I plan to read (that post comes separately). I have a bunch of books I’d really like to read before the end of the year, and try to mix those in amongst some holiday romances across both months. Just easier than making distinct TBRs for both months since I never really know where the books will land!

Non-Holiday ARCs: Late and Upcoming

These are three romances I’ve been so excited to read and have ready to go on my Kindle! I definitely thought I would have read THE WAKE-UP CALL the moment I got it but for some reason I keep back-burnering it. (To be fair, it has some holiday elements but I’m keeping it in this post because I don’t think it’s truly Christmas-forward compared to others.) RAIDERS OF THE LOST HEART was one of my most anticipated reads so I’m thrilled to have that one. I also grabbed SKIP TO THE END via audio on Libby so fingers crossed I can use that before I need to return it lol. I also would like to get ahead and read the second EMILY WILDE book, maybe sometime in December. I don’t usually like to bog myself down with January releases in December since I’m balancing the holiday books, but this one is heavily on my radar.

New Release Mystery/Thrillers


So the best part about this section is that I have all of these books in multiple formats. Some I own physically and some I got from the library as physical copies, but I also have ebooks (Libby) and audiobooks (Scribd and Libby) for them too. I hope to really crank through these books in Nov/Dec because of the mixed formats! Like many other people, reading this genre in November is just the best.

November New Releases

A separate shoutout here to the new releases coming in November that I definitely plan to read before the end of the year. I will be immediately requesting TWILIGHT FALLS from the library when it comes out – really enjoyed this cozy mystery series and am excited more books appear to be coming out! BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is the prequel to one of my very favorites this year and I have it preordered. I also bit the bullet and preordered IRON FLAME (and the new special copy of FOURTH WING) for honestly no good reason. Sometimes I wake up and hate this book and other days I decide I like it. I’m bound and determined to read it though, and that’s all I know.

Library Books

Here are all of the books currently checked out from the library. As usual, I make no promises about reading all of these! I tend to get a little grab happy when I’m there and request things, only to keep putting them off. Some of the books you see here are also in other categories because they’re the ones I really hope to read.

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