Top Ten Tuesdays #72: Didn’t Get To

Posted January 12, 2016 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 25 Comments

top 10 tues watercolorTop 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

Before I get started, let me plug my link-up “challenge” that directly applies here…

MustRead2016I shared recently that there are so many books I’m super excited to read before they’re published, and then I don’t read them right away when they come out. I wanted to make a list of these books and resolve to read them. When I saw a lot of others agree with me on Twitter, I decided to make a little challenge for it. I’ve been calling it a link-up instead because that’s really all you need to do to join in! You simply make a list of the books you didn’t get to in 2015, and then try to read them! It doesn’t have monthly check-ins or mini-challenges; it will probably just be checking in with ourselves at the 6 month mark and at the end of the year. This TTT topic could be a perfect post to link up if you feel like joining Must Read 2016, so it requires no extra effort on your part 😉 Check it out here!

I already made my own list of books I hope to finally read in 2016, but I did feature books that were released before 2016. This list will focus exclusively on the 2015 releases I didn’t get to.

didnt get to in 2015

Things I Can’t Explain by Mitchell Kriegman | I haven’t heard much about this one and I think a few people didn’t like it to much, but I can’t NOT read this follow-up to Clarissa Explains It All.

Firewalker by Josephine Angelini | I loved Trial By Fire and really couldn’t wait for this book, but then it sat on my shelf for so long. Reviews kind of scared me away from it too, not gonna lie.

Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | This one is another book reminiscent of childhood shows/books. I guess it’s Nancy Drew-like? I’ve heard mixed reviews on this one too…

Extraordinary Means by Robin Schneider | I loved The Beginning of Everything and was really anxious to read her follow-up novel! For some reason that just didn’t happen in 2015.

My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga | This one was actually a preorder and it’s spent a lot of time sitting on my shelf. I think my feels just aren’t ready for it yet!

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West | I kind of have this issue where I never want to run out of Kasie West books. I’ve been hoarding this one because I want to know I always have the option to read it!

The Summer After You and Me by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski | I don’t have an excuse for this one, to be honest. I wanted to read it during the summertime and it just never happened.

The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne | This one sounded really interesting and I’ve heard great reviews so far, even though it was on the quieter side in 2015. LOVE this cover, too.

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows | Die, hype monster, die. I also kind of wanted to wait until the second book came out because it seems like this book will break me beyond repair. Y/N?

Heat of the Moment by Lauren Barnholdt | I was fully read to read this trilogy over the summer but didn’t, because I had just finished another book by the same author and wanted to wait. Whoops.

25 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #72: Didn’t Get To

  1. The Wrong Side of Right was wonderful! I had heard nothing much about it before I’d read it, so I was pleasantly surprised. It’s solid storytelling, great characters and just really fun to read. I hope you enjoy it when you get around to reading it.

    And, as you well know, I adore Jodi Meadows and her novels. The Orphan Queen is great! You can definitely choose to wait for the sequel though, since it’s out in April (first week!) and that’s not so far away 😉

  2. It really might be good to wait for The Mirror King in April because you’ll want to dive right in after The Orphan Queen! It’s a great duology. I thought the first half of TOQ was good not great, sort of ordinary? But then it gets REALLY good! And TMK is twisty, actiony, brutal awesomeness. I wanted to read The Summer After You and Me too! I’m such a bad seasonal reader haha.

    Morgan @ Gone with the Words recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 Releases We Meant To Get To But Didn’t
  3. Okay! I have quite a few of these on my shelves, and I need to get to them ASAP! I’m planning on reading Things I Can’t Explain soon… hopefully by March. I also really, really want to read The Wrong Side of Right, and I’ve been promising myself that I’d buy a copy of it. Oops.

    Erin @ The Hardcover Lover recently posted: ARC Review: American Ace

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