Month: April 2016

Top Ten Tuesdays #84: Bookstagram

Posted April 5, 2016 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 10 Comments
Top Ten Tuesdays #84: Bookstagram

My Favorite Bookish Instagram Accounts Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. This week’s topic is fun! Very bookish but not totally bookish… lol. Today we’re sharing Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/Snapchat/Facebook — your choice. I chose Instagram because I really enjoy looking at bookish pictures. They’re my favorite. Lisa from Lost in Literature 100% of her pictures are gorgeous. It took me forever to even narrow it down for which one to feature here. If you aren’t following her yet, she’s my #1 recommendation. {Blog} I was thinking about books that haven’t received the attention they deserve, and Love and Other Unknown Variables by @shannon_lee_alexander immediately popped in my head. I ADORE this book! It’s definitely an amazing debut that I think more people need to read. ❤️ “Simply put: time is fluid. The faster your world spins out of control, the slower time crawls. The more time you need, the less you’re sure to get. It’s all relative.” . ❔What debut do you love and feel hasn’t received the attention it deserves? ? . Day 24 of #bookishmarch: Great Debut ? . #loveandotherunknownvariables #shannonleealexander #entangledteen A photo posted by Lisa ? (@lisa_lostinlit) on Mar 24, 2016 at 8:59am PDT Becca from Lost in Literature Becca and Lisa […]

Authors Kissed by the Cover Gods

Posted April 4, 2016 / Book Lists, Features / 14 Comments
Authors Kissed by the Cover Gods

HAHA Lauren are you writing about book covers again? Hell yeah, of course I am! I can’t get enough and you really should know that by now. There are some authors out there who have been #blessed with the BEST book covers. Most of their covers – if not all – have been great. If not great, at least VERY good. No one’s perfect, right? This post came to me because I saw the cover for Nicola Yoon’s newest book. i literally gasped at its perfection and thought “damn, she’s been kissed by the cover gods yet again.” Ta-da! Today you’ll see all sorts of book covers I enjoy and the authors who were lucky to get them. Some authors (ugh I feel terrible about these) are not so lucky. But maybe that’s a post for another day… There are some here that are redesigns of existing book covers, but they’re worthy of recognition too. There’s nothing better than when a previously mediocre or bad cover gets a remake! You’ll see a couple Adult fiction authors make this list too 😉 I loved the typography for the first book and the second one? SWOOOON.   Summer sunsets – sign me up! Even though the third one is a bit different, still love it.  Both of these covers are kind of beyond words for me. I love the texture on the second! Ugh.    I just am so obsessed with these simple covers – two are redesigns and the other is an original. Plus, her […]

Bookish Bingo Read-a-Thon TBR and Tracking

Posted April 2, 2016 / Book Challenges, Features, TBR Lists / 4 Comments
Bookish Bingo Read-a-Thon TBR and Tracking

I’m so excited to partake in the Bookish Bingo Readathon, hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews. These bingo cards are some of my favorite challenges to join in on. I usually do a very good job at filling them, if I say so myself, but this readathon was too fun to pass up. More details on the challenge: The readathon will start at 12am on April 3rd, and run the entire week, ending at 11:59pm on April 9th. The Bookish Bingo Readathon is all about reading books that fit into the squares of the Spring Bingo card. You don’t have to make a bingo or anything, just make sure the books you read for the readathon match up on the card. This is all about getting a good chunk of your card covered! Bingo card so far I already have 14 marked off (including the free space), so I’m in pretty good shape. Some of the options left are tricky based on my current TBR, but let’s see what I can make work. My TBR options My goal is to fill 2-3 spaces on the card with my reads this week. I have a lot of library books out right now, on top of some ARCs I want to get done… so this will motivate me to read the right ones! I did come up with a few more options after writing this post, so I may consider reading ~other things~ depending on my mood. Green cover – The Long Game OR The Vanishing Throne […]

Bookmark Lit Bulletin – March 2016

Bookmark Lit Bulletin – March 2016

The Bookmark Lit Bulletin was created to wrap up each month and prepare for the next. I share my life happenings, book haul, books I read and reviewed, posts I shared, challenge updates, and more from the previous month. I also let you know what may be coming up on the blog in the coming month. You can read past bulletins here and learn more about the feature here. This month was a whirlwind. Sometimes I was stuck on one book for a few days; other books I finished within a couple of hours. It was nice to have a mix, but I have to say – I stressed myself out a little too much this month. I neeed to relax on my ARC borrowing because this month was chock-full of June and July releases. Kind of insane, considering what month it is… Oh well, moving on! Average rating for books read in March: 3.8 stars All book covers link to their Goodreads pages  Best of the Best  •  Pleasantly Surprised  •  Disappointed    All of the books read this month: Average rating for books reviewed in March: 3.84 stars Secret Sister Project I swear, my Secret Sister is a mind-reader. The day I received this package, I was thinking about how badly I wanted to read 17 First Kisses soon. Insane timing! She also sent along some of my all-time favorite candies, which were eaten way too quickly. My favorite hot chocolate was perfect when it (ugh) snowed again the following week! She also gave me this […]