Bookish Bingo Read-a-Thon TBR and Tracking

Posted April 2, 2016 / Book Challenges, Features, TBR Lists / 4 Comments

I’m so excited to partake in the Bookish Bingo Readathon, hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews. These bingo cards are some of my favorite challenges to join in on. I usually do a very good job at filling them, if I say so myself, but this readathon was too fun to pass up. More details on the challenge:

The readathon will start at 12am on April 3rd, and run the entire week, ending at 11:59pm on April 9th.

The Bookish Bingo Readathon is all about reading books that fit into the squares of the Spring Bingo card. You don’t have to make a bingo or anything, just make sure the books you read for the readathon match up on the card. This is all about getting a good chunk of your card covered!

Bingo card so far

I already have 14 marked off (including the free space), so I’m in pretty good shape. Some of the options left are tricky based on my current TBR, but let’s see what I can make work.
spring bingo end march

My TBR options

My goal is to fill 2-3 spaces on the card with my reads this week. I have a lot of library books out right now, on top of some ARCs I want to get done… so this will motivate me to read the right ones!

I did come up with a few more options after writing this post, so I may consider reading ~other things~ depending on my mood.

  • Green cover – The Long Game OR The Vanishing Throne
  • End of the world – Where Futures End OR The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
  • Flowers on the cover – Summer of Sloane OR Two Summers
  • Metallic lettering – Rebel of the Sands OR The Wrath and the Dawn
  • Retelling – Fables #1 OR The Forbidden Wish OR Queen of Hearts
  • Nonfiction – We Should All Be Feminists
  • Second chance – Secrets of my Hollywood Life: On Location


  • Sunday April 3rd
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
  • Monday April 4th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
    • Started reading:
      • Two Summers (flowers on the cover)
  • Tuesday April 5th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
      • Two Summers (flowers on the cover)
  • Wednesday April 6th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
      • Two Summers (flowers on the cover)
  • Thursday April 7th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
    • Finished reading:
      • Two Summers (flowers on the cover)
    • Started and finished reading:
      • We Should All Be Feminists (nonfiction)
  • Friday April 8th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
  • Saturday April 9th
    • Currently reading:
      • The Vanishing Throne (green cover)
    • Started and finished reading:
      • Queen of Hearts (retelling)

Mini challenge #1 – Post your TBR (this post!)

Mini challenge #2 – Scavenger hunt (make a bingo using photos of books)

4 responses to “Bookish Bingo Read-a-Thon TBR and Tracking

  1. I absolutely LOVED The Wrath and the Dawn. I’m hoping to reread it soon in preparation for the sequel coming out later this month. I also have Rebel of the Sands on my TBR for the read-a-thon, and for the same square too! Good luck and thanks for joining us!

    Bekka recently posted: Stacking the Shelves #42
  2. Excellent reading choices! I made a slightly late decision to join the read-a-thon, and will hopefully be sharing my TBR in a photo today 😉 Happy reading!

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