Top Ten Tuesdays #453: Fall TBR

Posted September 24, 2024 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 1 Comment

Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

If there’s one TTT you can always count on seeing from me, it’s a TBR list! Fall is my favorite season and right when I begin getting into heavier, longer books and genres other than contemporary romance and mysteries. I definitely still read those but you’ll see fantasy and even science fiction start to creep up in my reading.

I’m going to arrange this one by month (release date and/or when I plan to read the book) rather than in different types of reads. I’ll let you know if the book is a review copy, highly anticipated release, or based on my mood 😉 I’m writing this post a couple of weeks before it goes live so you may have already seen some of these September reads on my “currently reading” shelf by now!


I have a bigger list for September because I’ve actually read more this month than expected and somehow have been in the mood to keep it up! I also know there’s a good chance many of these will shift into October or November, but want to stow them here for now. These ones are quick mysteries and contemporary romance for the most part, with the exception of a few longer ones.

Slow Dance by Rowell (library book, recent release)
The Unwedding by Condie (library book, recent release)
Hemlock House by Cotugno (purchased, recent release)

The God of the Woods by Moore (BOTM, recent release)
The Life Impossible by Haig (BOTM recent release)
The Ex Vows by Joyce (library ebook, recent release)

Worse Case Scenario by Newman (purchased, recent release)
The Wedding People by Espach (BOTM, recent release)
Remember Me Tomorrow by Heron (review copy, October release)


October definitely gets bit moodier with more mysteries, some longer books, and less romance. Again, some September books will probably move down here but you can see how the seasons/months affect my reading choices!

Society of Lies by Brown (upcoming release)
All The Colors of the Dark by Whitaker (BOTM, recent release)
Love and Other Conspiracies by Marlowe (recent release)

We Solve Murders by Osman (upcoming release, preordered through author event)
The Night We Lost Him by Dave (BOTM, recent release)
Here One Moment by Moriarty (BOTM, recent release)


November we officially pop in some fantasy books that I’ve put off for too long. I also will read some holiday romances this month; one holiday book is a mystery so I think that could be fun for an early Christmas read.

The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Carter (review copy, upcoming release)
The Book of Doors by Brown (preordered, recent release)
The Book of Love by Link (preordered, recent release)

We Solve Murders by Osman (preordered, recent release)
Faebound by El-Arifi (preordered, 2024 release)
The Prisoner’s Throne by Black (preordered, 2024 release)

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