Month: April 2015

Open Letter to my YA Self

Open Letter to my YA Self

This is a feature created by Ginger at GReads! in which we write a letter to our YA self, give advice, and share some book recommendations. There’s also a giveaway at the bottom, too! Check out her introduction post here. Break up with your boyfriend. Seriously, do it right now. He’s going to break your heart within the first month of going away to college, you’re going to mope, you’re going to eat ice cream for dinner, and then you’re going to go more boy-crazy than you should. Take a breath and break up with him. I promise there’s a much better, nicer, and sweeter boy on the horizon. He actually remembers things you say, even the little insignificant things. He’s going to call you Lumby, make you laugh, and make you become addicted to Lego. (I promise it’s fun, don’t judge future Lauren.) I know you probably won’t do this because you think you love him and he’s the one, but the breakup and the heartbreak are inevitable no matter what. To get through your breakup, you need to reread some Sarah Dessen books. Don’t gasp at my suggestion – eventually you’ll enjoy rereading books; you may as well start now. You should also read a few summery books as soon as they come out. Jenny Han and Sarah Ockler will become auto-buy authors for you, so start right now! Don’t let anyone tell you what to read, by the way. Don’t be ashamed of the books you read because […]

Review: The Boyfriend App

Posted April 8, 2015 / Book Reviews / 3 Comments
Review: The Boyfriend App

I received an ARC of The Pretty App, the next book in this companion series, a looong time ago. I tried to read it first without reading The Boyfriend App, but wanted to go through the whole series in order. I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into this one. I was hoping to breeze through and get the background info for the next book in the series. Well, that worked: this was a super quick and entertaining read! It’s certainly not perfect, but I definitely enjoyed it overall. The number one thing I liked about this book was the concept. There’s an app contest where the winner gets scholarship money and prizes for their school. Audrey, the main character, designs The Boyfriend App. First, it matches people up based on compatibility and distance. The second version of the app creates a lot of chaos, as it actually gets the other person to fall in love (but mostly lust). For a contemporary romance, the concept was unique. I loved that the MC was a geeky, super smart girl. I loved her group of friends: Aidan (the cute boy I shipped hard throughout), Lindsey (her fashion-obsessed cousin who always had her back), Mindy (her supportive friend with a speech impediment and didn’t talk), and Nigit (another super-smart geeky guy in the group). The book is split into two parts – one for each “version” of the app. The first part is Audrey brainstorming her app and figuring out what she wants […]

Top Ten Tuesdays #35: Characters

Posted April 7, 2015 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 14 Comments
Top Ten Tuesdays #35: Characters

Top 10 Characters I’d Like to Check in With Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books based on that week’s prompt… and then we stalk other people’s answers to add a million books to our TBR. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Links go to Goodreads or my review. Today’s TTT is about the ten characters that you’d like to check in with – the book or series is over and you’d like to peek back into their lives and see what they’re up to. I feel like I could say this about every book I’ve read! Here are my top ten. (Title links are to the Goodreads; reviews are linked where its noted!) 99 Days by Katie Cotugno… because I need to know what happens next for Julia and the boys! Oh man, this was hard to read! The love triangle between a girl and two brothers flip flops back and forth through to the end. There was no easy or correct way to end this one; you really understand her feelings for both boys. I won’t spoil the ending, but I will say I’m VERY curious about what happens next! Nowhere But Home by Liza Palmer… because I loved the story, setting, and characters so much! I posted my review for this one yesterday, so you know how much I adored every single part of this story. It pulled me in right from the […]

Review: Nowhere But Home

Posted April 6, 2015 / Book Reviews / 7 Comments
Review: Nowhere But Home

I have no idea how to review this book. I wasn’t really able take notes during this one, but just wrote down a few different words that I couldn’t forget: Poetic. Sad. Beautiful. Unique. Interesting. Amazing characters. It’s a book that usually wouldn’t be on my radar at all, aside from the gorgeous cover. I’m really picky about books and their subjects, and I’m even MORE picky with adult books. I honestly can’t even tell you what I look for in women’s fiction; usually there’s just a spark of something that interests me in the synopsis. The synopsis for Nowhere But Home is certainly interesting, but not my cup of tea. Following Hannah’s blog has brought a lot more adult titles to my attention, and Liza Palmer’s books were promptly added to my TBR. In fact, her review is actually a lot more coherent than mine is going to be, so I recommend reading that. After finishing Nowhere But Home, I took a reading break for a day. I wasn’t ready to part with the characters or the story. I felt like the next book I read would pale in comparison, and I didn’t want to ruin my next book because of this massive book hangover. This is a book I wanted to crawl inside and stay in forever.  “It’s what we’re all trying to do, right? Remember a time that was better. Re-create a moment of that memory as we let the crisp Coke bubble down our throats. Riding bikes on […]

Review: This is What Happy Looks Like

Posted April 3, 2015 / Book Reviews / 6 Comments
Review: This is What Happy Looks Like

There really wasn’t anything bad about this book, but it was super in the middle of the road for me. I liked the characters, premise, and writing style, but it wasn’t anything particularly exceptional. With contemporary, my main concern is the swoons. If it’s a book about a couple getting together, I kind of want to SEE the couple together and FEEL their relationship grow. Beware that this review is A LITTLE SPOILERY. I won’t ruin anything major, but there’s really no way to explain my problems with the book without talking about the main thing that had me feeling “meh.” The set-up of the book is that Graham, a celebrity heartthrob movie star, accidentally emails Ellie, a regular girl who lives in a small Maine town. The two of them spend quite a few months emailing back and forth and essentially end up falling for each other. She doesn’t have any idea that he’s actually a celebrity, and she has some skeletons in her closet as well. He comes to her town to film a movie and the two of them start hanging out. My issues: It feels like insta-love. Even though they’ve been talking for months, he seems to be blown away by her immediately and their relationship takes off without a hitch. I get that there’s the whole background setup of them talking for a while, but the reader doesn’t get to experience any of that! They spend half of the book apart. Because of her family issues and […]

Favorite Book Quotes

Posted April 2, 2015 / Book Lists, Features / 11 Comments
Favorite Book Quotes

It’s been a while since I’ve compiled one of my OWN bookish lists, which is something I had originally planned to feature a lot on this blog! I’ve been trying to clean up my favorite quotes on Goodreads and this seemed like a perfect opportunity to share some! That, plus the fact that I downloaded some gorgeous new fonts that I feel the need to mess around with. Part of me knows one more day won’t do anything except postpone the heartbreak. But another part of me believes differently. We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day. Just One Day – Gayle Forman When someone’s been gone a long time, at first you save up all the things you want to tell them. You try to keep track of everything in your head. But it’s like trying to hold on to a fistful of sand: all the little bits slip out of your hands, and then you’re just clutching air and grit. That’s why you can’t save it all up like that. Because by the time you finally see each other, you’re catching up only on the big things, because it’s too much bother to tell about the little things. But the little things are what make up life. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before – Jenny Han Imagining the future is a kind of […]

No Spend April

No Spend April

The lovely Cass at The Casserole wrote about budgeting last month and her post was JUST what I needed to kick myself in the butt about spending. I have a problem where I spend too much money. On food. On books. On clothes. On random stuff I don’t need. Where does all my money gooo?! I hope that this month makes me more conscious about my spending, but I also plan to keep it realistic. I’m going to set some personal goals and rules for this month that may seem lenient; it’s just the only way I know this will work! Learn more about No Spend April here. I’m going to set some personal ground rules for No Spend April, because I know that I tend to spend way too much money on food and unnecessary stuff throughout the month. Chris and I are really bad about eating meals at home on the weekends, so I hope that can be improved upon here (even though 1-3 per week, in my rule, sounds like a lot! It’s a major improvement for us, I’m ashamed to say). Complete the budgeting worksheet within the first week of No Spend April, found here Only one work lunch out per week: the rest must be brought to the office from home Eat at home for dinner most nights, with the exception of 1-3 dinners out per week if needed (for birthdays or events that fall during the month) No coffee-buying unless the money is already on my […]

Reread Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Posted April 1, 2015 / Book Reviews / 3 Comments
Reread Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

If I remember correctly, the first three books were already published when I started the series in 1999. So, I got this one for Christmas (which was three months after it was published in the United States) and started reading it pretty much immediately after the second book. I remember that this one was my faaaavoriteeeee. Honestly, up until rereading, I couldn’t really explain WHY. It just had a different feel than the other books: probably because of the new characters that I immediately loved. The time-turner’s introduction was so cool too. I remember buying a version of the necklace when I saw it at Barnes & Noble one day too. I wore it to the rest of the movie premieres. 😉 My answer stands! I always knew I wanted to reread the series but just never found the time to do it. Rereading them through audio, as I’ve said before, has been such a great experience! It genuinely baffles me that the narrator can do all of the character’s voices SO SPOT-ON. Honestly though, I was especially looking forward to reading this book out of the seven! Because I knew it was my long-standing favorite (without ever rereading), I wanted to verify that it was still my favorite or see if that changed. Not a lot happens in this book until the very end, apparently. I kind of forgot that. Regardless I confirmed that this is definitely one of my favorites. I feel like I should just list the reasons […]