Open Letter to my YA Self
This is a feature created by Ginger at GReads! in which we write a letter to our YA self, give advice, and share some book recommendations. There’s also a giveaway at the bottom, too! Check out her introduction post here. Break up with your boyfriend. Seriously, do it right now. He’s going to break your heart within the first month of going away to college, you’re going to mope, you’re going to eat ice cream for dinner, and then you’re going to go more boy-crazy than you should. Take a breath and break up with him. I promise there’s a much better, nicer, and sweeter boy on the horizon. He actually remembers things you say, even the little insignificant things. He’s going to call you Lumby, make you laugh, and make you become addicted to Lego. (I promise it’s fun, don’t judge future Lauren.) I know you probably won’t do this because you think you love him and he’s the one, but the breakup and the heartbreak are inevitable no matter what. To get through your breakup, you need to reread some Sarah Dessen books. Don’t gasp at my suggestion – eventually you’ll enjoy rereading books; you may as well start now. You should also read a few summery books as soon as they come out. Jenny Han and Sarah Ockler will become auto-buy authors for you, so start right now! Don’t let anyone tell you what to read, by the way. Don’t be ashamed of the books you read because […]