Top Ten Tuesdays #91: Feelings Changed

Posted May 24, 2016 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 18 Comments

TTTimageEight Books I’ve Liked More or Less Over Time

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

This weeks topic is: Ten Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed (less love, more love, complicated feelings, indifference, thought it was great in a genre until you became more well read in that genre etc.). I find that my feelings about certain books don’t often change over time, so I’ll split it up into the books I liked more over time and books I liked less after time. I obviously thought of more once I finished the graphics, but whatever.

liked less A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas • Before anyone yells at me from either side, I have to say that I did indeed loooove ACOMAF. It has also made me love ACOTAR a little more, the more I think about them both together. The series is headed in such a wonderful direction for the final book and I can’t wait. So my feelings that changed? They’re mostly about Tamlin. I can see now that his controlling ways seem to be more than just the Beauty and the Beast retelling vibes. I just wish I saw things sooner maybe? A reread will tell!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard • I just don’t care about this series anymore. I kind of want to continue because of the cliffhanger and curiosity, but I’ve heard pretty bad things. My general feels have changed overall. I’ve checked the second book out of the library multiple times and just can’t bring myself to read it. I don’t know.

Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here by Anna Breslaw • This book was really cute! I did enjoy it a lot while reading, but it did not stick with me at all. There was a LOT going on in this story so there wasn’t really one ~issue~ that got developed enough for me. Just too much in too few pages. I also kind of barely remember it.

Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan • I still really enjoyed this overall but I think, looking back, I was so addicted that I ignored some flaws? I don’t know. I’m really excited to read the next book when it comes out and the cover is fucking gorgeous, but I have some issues with a few elements. I’m trying not to let other voices and reviews impact my feelings but sometimes I can’t help it.

liked moreThe Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater • I love this series the more I think about it. I’m in desperate need of a reread so I can see how all sorts of things come together. I really loved the final book and would love to explore the world again. Fan art and posts on Tumblr just get me so jazzed up about this series again.

Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay •  This book gives me millions of feels like a year and a half after I read it. I’m dying to reread but somehow haven’t gotten to it yet. I struggled in the first 100 pages or so but the rest of the book was like utter perfection. My rating is less than 5 stars even though it FEELS like it deserves that now that a lot of time has passed.

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord • I liked this the first time around but ended up around 4 stars. The more I think of this book and its characters, the more I love it. I think Emery Lord in general can do no wrong, even when I don’t personally click with the book or its characters. This is really just a story that stuck with me for so long and I can’t wait to reread someday.

Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson • I kind of view this the same as ORS above. I love the author so much and the book stuck with me much longer than most do. I think about Frank fucking Porter all the time because he is the ultimate book boyfriend for me. For that reason alone, this book deserves alllll of the stars. Emily annoyed me a bit while reading, which is why the rating kind of went down, but overal feels from this book have lingered so damn much.

18 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #91: Feelings Changed

  1. Ooo, it’s so interesting to see how your feelings towards these books have changed over time! I kinda have to agree with RED QUEEN, although I’m still dying to know what happens so I’m definitely going to read the other books. I still need to read the other books you’ve listed, but it’ll be interesting for me to see whether I feel the same as you did after I read them. Great list!!

  2. I have same feelings about some books like you. I quite enjoyed Red Queen when I first read it, but the more I think about it, the more I realise it has so many flaws that eventually make me dislike the book. I don’t even bother to read the 2nd book! As for the Raven Cycle, when I first read The Raven Boys I was like “wow this is great!” but as the series progressed and the more I think about it, I just fell in love with it even more! It’s such a good feelings. Great picks!

  3. I haven’t read ACOMAF yet, but in retrospect, I do love ACOTAR a bit less than when I first read it. Now, I feel like “meh” about the whole thing -and don’t remember all that much. I think it’s a sign when I’m not that excited about a sequel, and I’m not really dying to read ACOMAF.

    Great list!

  4. Oh my gosh. Red Queen. Yes! I started Glass Sword and couldn’t get into it. I read Cruel Crown, and it was kind of meh. I am on the hold list for the audio version of Glass Sword because I do want to know what happens, but if I can’t get into it again, I will give up.

  5. Great list 🙂
    i agree with you on ACOTAR!
    Not so much on the Raven boys, since i am not much of a fan of that book – just don’t get the hype at all sad to say- but still great list 🙂

  6. I’ve seen ACOTAR on quite a few lists this week which surprised me!! I haven’t read it (and prob won’t), but it seems like I only ever hear people obsessing over it and never the other side. I also LOVE The Raven Boys way more as time goes on. I feel like the first book was a little confusing until you get to KNOW all the characters. Now that I know what’s up, I can look back on that book and love it 🙂

  7. I loved Princess of Thorns a whole lot as well. I feel like it doesn’t get the love it deserves. Glad to see you loved it too.

  8. I always find it interesting to see how other people’s feelings might have changed when it comes to books they’ve read! I definitely feel like The Raven Cycle is one where I’m not quite sure where my feelings currently are (though I have yet to read The Raven King, meep), so that’s one I’ll have to wait and see on 😉

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