Top Ten Tuesdays #101: Rewind – Covers

Posted August 9, 2016 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 28 Comments

TTTimageRewind: Do a Topic You Missed!
Things I Like/Dislike on Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

Back in June 2014, Top Ten Tuesday featured a topic perfect for me: top ten things we like or dislike on our book covers. This topic was literally a few weeks before I started my blog and I’m so happy I just saw it! I always always always talk about book covers on my blog. (Like, too often to even link everything this time. Just search for “covers” and you’ll see an abundance of things!) Book covers are my F A V O R I T E and I don’t know if I ever spelled out in a nice, concise, list-y way the things that I LOVE or HATE on book covers. Without further ado, I’ll tackle that today for you, my dear cover lovers.

book cover heaver Keep in mind that obviously some of these covers fit multiple categories. I tried to keep them with the category involving the “element” I love most about the cover. Like, I love the watercolor elements on First & Then but the heart shape is what really makes me happiest. I’m definitely not linking to Goodreads here because I’m lazy and there are a LOT of covers, but you can see my cover love shelf here. All of them are on it.


Bright colors like pink, purple, orange, and some shades of blue make me happy.
Favorites of the bunch: This Adventure EndsResults May Vary, and The Sun is Also a Star.

heartsHearts are my favorite image – to doodle, to have jewelry in the shape of, etc.. No brainer I love covers too!
Favorites of the bunch: The Secret of a Heart NoteFirst & Then, and Tell Me Three Things.

flowersI love flowers so much. (Clearly, because they’re ALL over my blog and this post itself.)
Favorites of the bunch: The MuseReign of Shadows, and Everything, Everything.

typographyTypography is legit my favorite book cover element. Love it hand-drawn and cursive-y the most!
Favorites of the bunch: The Leaving SeasonNight Wanderers, and The One That Got Away.

illustCute illustrations are SO fun for book covers, especially for younger audiences.
Favorites of the bunch: Summer Days & Summer Nights, My True Love Gave to Me, and Dreamology.

ksisesThis goes along with my “pretty color” theme and I just think kissy lips are pretty cute 😉
Favorites of the bunch: Kiss CamAt First Blush, and The Girl Who Fell.

watercolWatercolor designs that look like someone hand-painted them for the cover are EXCELLENT.
Favorites of the bunch: The Wrong Side of Right, Love Like Crazy, and Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes.

sunsetI don’t know why but I’m always drawn to covers with sunrises or sunsets, especially over a beach/water.
Favorites of the bunch: Meet Me HereThe Start of Me and You, and Even in Paradise.


I kept my love list at 8 items, so I figured I would fudge it a little and add a few to my nope list. I generally don’t like fantasy covers because I think they’re too cheesy! I’m ALL for badass women in general, but I personally just don’t love those covers. It’s great when they portray what’s inside but they just don’t end up on my favorite list. Any cover with people who are too close-up or too fake-looking are definitely a nope for me too. Those are some of my bigger issues with cover designs. I hate when covers change in the middle of a series more than anything though.

28 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #101: Rewind – Covers

  1. I LOVE typography and simple, illustrated covers. There’s something about an illustrated font that always grabs my eye! {The Fault in Our Stars, Eleanor & Park, etc.}
    Love the topic of your list!

  2. Pretty colors and typhography are also what I love in a book cover! Watercolor seems to be in trend these past year, and I also love some gold color in book cover 😀

  3. I’m right there with you on all of these. I love illustrated covers or covers with pretty fonts and water colors. I like flowers and just really pretty covers.

    I will say that while I don’t love covers with close up faces, I won’t turn away a close up hard body cover. 🙂

  4. I love your choices!! The Flowers, Lips, Watercolors, and Typography are my favorites. I also really don’t care for most Fantasy covers. So many of them try to look like Hunger Games or Throne of Glass and it’s not original. I want pretty or at least interesting!!

  5. I love this list! I am such a fan of all of these things on my covers and omg I’ve never seen the Steering the Stars cover and now I need to see what that book is about.

  6. Love this list! I’m definitely with you on the typography – that’s my favorite cover feature, and I’m most definitely with you on the nope for huge faces on covers.

  7. Hahahah I am noping with you there. The Radiant Road’s cover kind of freaks me out a bit. But other than that, so much cover love here! My favorites also include This Adventure Ends, The Muse, and Results May Vary!

  8. There are so many gorgeous covers in this post, Lauren! I love a lot of the same things you do on book covers – bright colors, typography, hearts and illustrations are definitely top of my list too.

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