Top Ten Tuesdays #136: Opposite of Read-Bait

Posted April 25, 2017 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 13 Comments

Things That Make Me Instantly NOT Want to Read a Book

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I had this post all ready to go for another day on the blog, but then noticed it fit right in with a TTT topic! I started this post because Michelle wrote about her instant NO’s for books (the things that make her pass on reading a certain book) made me really think. Coupled with this TTT, I decided to explore what topics are the opposite of read-bait for me? What keywords, settings, or storylines make me say NAH no thanks?


Yes, I feel the same way as Michelle about this one. I don’t know why but it doesn’t appeal to me AT ALL. I don’t watch Sons of Anarchy and highly doubt that I ever will. The concept doesn’t appeal to me and I personally hate driving near them on the road in my real life (it makes me so nervous).

Pregnancy or babies

Don’t get me wrong – it’s not like I’ll never read about this, or have any actual problem with pregnancy. I just don’t enjoy the drama it can create in YA books and personally never choose to read them. It’s the main reason I haven’t gotten around to How to Love even though I adore Katie Cotugno’s other books. The dumb thing is that I find some children in adult books to be cute and endearing nine times out of ten. It’s one of those things I’ve somewhat convinced myself that I don’t like, even though there’s a good chance I’d actually like it if I read it.


I know this is a genre, but I just can’t do it. I don’t like scary things too much – aside from the occassional horror movie that Chris refuses to watch with me – so I don’t read them. I got creeped out listening to a PODCAST during the DAYTIME about someone who disappeared in the early 2000s so you better believe I can’t do something horror-esque right before bed and/or alone in the dark.


I don’t do zombies at all. Much like the motorcycle book/TV thing… I won’t bother with The Walking Dead either. Absolutely nothing about it appeals to me. I have some on my TBR for some stupid reason but I don’t think I’ll ever actually read them… Just not my thing!

Hostage situations / Stockholm Syndrome

There are a few books on my TBR in this category and I don’t know… I just don’t like it. Regardless of the circumstance, I’m not a fan of books set in “hostage” situations or when the captive falls in love with the captor. It creeps me out! I can’t think of any I’ve actually read in this regard, but Beauty and the Beast retellings can fall victim to that trope and I don’t like it.

Mafia or crime families

I don’t see too many of these circulating the YA book community, but there was one from a couple of years ago that I kept being somewhat tempted about… then changing my mind. I’m not sure why I don’t like these. I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m not into the movies with this premise either. I’m actually not a big villain person either (I’m sorry! I did love Darkling though…) so that plays into this for me.


Okay, I know this is weird and people will probably wonder what’s wrong with me about it. I just… don’t care about books about music? I like music enough but as I’ve said on the blog a million times before, I don’t take the time to find new music. It’s not a huge part of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd with the windows down in my car in the summer. I love classic rock, 90s/early 2000s music, and some random country songs from a few years ago. Until something new REALLY hits me, I won’t bother listening to anything else. I listen to jazz at work because it’s nice background noise. I’m not big into new music or main characters with music-focused books. It doesn’t bother me at all if the MC plays piano or loves concerts, but I just don’t read books that are just about music.

“Troubled past”

Yes, the classic theme to loooots of angsty NA books. I just don’t like the whole “broken” thing. I’m not even sure what I mean by this because I know that everyone goes through shit in their lives. I just don’t add a book to my TBR if this phrase is in the synopsis the vast majority of the time. I like complex, imperfect characters, but those two words draw me away from the book entirely. I think it’s primarily because I’m into fluffier contemporaries these days.

For fans of ___ author

I don’t mind comp titles if they’re accurate. It seems like all books these days have to be compared to Rainbow Rowell, John Green, Sarah Dessen, or Jandy Nelson. Now, I love most of the authors I just listed. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Jandy Nelson book I read so I don’t think I’ll read her others (it was a writing style thing, I’m sorry!). So, as you can imagine, I’m deterred if her name shows up as a comp title.

13 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #136: Opposite of Read-Bait

  1. I feel the same way about zombies! And I also tend to steer clear of books that are recommended for “fans of” whoever. When I pick out a book, I’m looking for an original story– not something that closely resembles a book I’ve already read.
    Great list! 🙂

  2. For fans of_____ story has got to be one of the most annoying book bait lines ever. I think every time I see it, I cringe. I’ve even talked about this before. These publications must be stopped! So annoying.

  3. I completely agree with you on the Stockhom Syndrome one! I almost always steer clear of Beauty & the Beast retellings to avoid that trope. It makes me really uncomfortable to read. I also hate the “troubled past” thing… I think because a lot of times, a character’s past is used as a plot device to conveniently give them a pass for doing/saying something terrible. Great list, Lauren!

  4. I just read How to Love last month, and I did really enjoy it. There is drama, but it’s more of a coming of age story and having to put your life on hold. I really recommend it! I am skeptical when a book is pitched as ‘ for fans of __ author’.

  5. I always fall for the “like books by ___” line and always end up disappointed. I hate the need to constantly compare things.

    I’m with ya on the motorcycle thing. For a while it seemed like the new trend in romance novels was motorcycle clubs and I was not a fan. I find that there are too many alpha males in there and that just doesn’t interest me.

  6. Okay, I admit, I actually really appreciate a well-written horror novel (although, I HATE scary movies). Sometimes, I’ve read a horror novel too late into the night, and I’ve definitely spooked myself beyond hope. Once, I had to go around and close all the blinds in my apartment because I was afraid someone spooky was looking in (nevermind that I lived on the THIRD floor!)

    But, I’m kind of with you on everything else. Especially motorcycles (instant turn-off is the hunky dreamboat in the book drives one), pregnancy (although, Bumped by Megan McCafferty might be an exception), and music-oriented books (only because I have a hard time relating if it’s not a genre of music I appreciate, and most of the time, it’s not).

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