TV Shows I Probably Won’t Ever Finish

Posted May 20, 2019 / Media, Personal / Information / Etc. / 4 Comments

I thought I’d do a little break from books to talk about television! I like sharing other hobbies on here, but I guess this post is almost the opposite of that? I wanted to chat about some shows I started watching, got through more than a few episodes, and have since paused watching. Most of the time this isn’t a conscious decision – it’s more like I get in a mood, binge a few (or a bunch) of episodes, get distracted by a new season of another show, and then never go back. I usually tell myself that I will at some point, but these are six shows I’ve decided I most likely won’t ever pick up again for various reasons.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Poster Orange Is the New Black Poster Girls Poster

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Episodes watched: 12 | Episodes left: 38

I binge-watched a lot of these episodes right around the time the second season came out, maybe? I don’t remember. I was intrigued at first and thought the show was pretty funny but not as funny as everyone else. It’s one of those shows where I just stopped watching it inadvertently, in favor of something else, and I’ll probably never return to it. It’s been like 3+ years and I have not once felt compelled to play the next episode.

Orange is the New Black

Episodes watched: 33 | Episodes left: 45

If you told me I wanted to quit this show a few years ago, I would have been shocked. Chris and I LOVED and devoured the first two seasons of this show early in our relationship. We were so eager for season three. It took us a little while to finally start it and one day we just… never continued. We weren’t compelled to keep watching even though we were actually interested in the direction the show was taking. I don’t get it. But now, after seeing  a major spoiler and death? NO THANKS. I just have straight-up no interest in this show.


Episodes watched: 9 | Episodes left: 52

This is another show where I binged 9 episodes (9 hours) of it in two sittings, staying up too late and pressing “next episode” when I needed to go to bed. I don’t know why, but I was fascinated by their lives. After that first weekend of watching those episodes though, I never pressed play ever again. Over time I started to really dislike Lena Dunham and now that means I won’t bother with this show anymore.

Gilmore Girls Poster American Horror Story Poster Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Poster

Gilmore Girls

Episodes watched: 7 | Episodes left: 145 plus revival

Yeah, this show is just not for me. It looks like it would be RIGHT up my alley on paper though – a mom and daughter in a small, adorable Connecticut town? They run an bed and breakfast/inn? Just writing these words makes me want to watch the show again. But… I know I shouldn’t and won’t. I don’t like Rory and Lorelei at all. And I’m fine with watching unlikeable characters do annoying things. I just don’t care about these two at all. I know people will tell me (they have) to keep plugging along because it gets better but again, I’m not going to waste my time.

American Horror Story

Episodes watched: 13 (season 3) | Episodes left: 80

Because they start over each season, Chris and I didn’t go back to watch season one or two before jumping in on three. I was more interested in the witches part anyways. We always said we’d go back to watch the others and keep going with the new seasons, but I’ve never wanted to. I don’t mind scary things but there’s something about this show that just makes me feel meh ?‍♀️

Agents of SHIELD

Episodes watched: 19 | Episodes left: 90

I think out of all the shows on here, this is the one I MIGHT decide to finish at some point? It’s the most likely candidate. We got fairly far into it compared to other shows on my list and we do tend to love all things Marvel. I just don’t have any motivation for this one at the moment. So, we’ll see if that changes.

4 responses to “TV Shows I Probably Won’t Ever Finish

  1. Agents of Shield was SO good for the first few seasons and then it went downhill for me real fast. I could barely follow the plot of season 5 while I was watching it, and I was happy to cancel the series recording on my DVR after the first few minutes of season 6.

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