Top Ten Tuesdays #302: Questions

Posted August 25, 2020 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 0 Comments

Questions I’d Ask My Fave Authors

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I’m actually kind of terrible with author interviews or what to say to favorite authors, so I thought I would do some groupings of questions I may commonly ask a few of them… mostly things like MORE BOOKS PLEASE? Thanks.

Can you write more books like X please?

Unrivaled (Beautiful Idols, #1)

I remember finishing EVELYN HUGO and just wondering what other books in the entire world compare to it? Like, it’s pretty amazing. I want TJR to somehow write more books in this same vein!

I’m a huge Kate Brian/Kieran Scott fan and the SHADOWLANDS trilogy blew my mind. I would love to read more books by her in this similar style or genre. She’s written a few horror-ish ones lately that I haven’t read yet so maybe I should get on that first haha.

The BEAUTIFUL IDOLS series was such a fun contemporary mystery! I would love to read more like this or even series similar to the PLL books by Sara Shepard. Alyson Noel seriously grabbed me with these ones. I couldn’t wait for the next installment.

And finally, THE THOUSANDTH FLOOR – I’ve enjoyed McGee’s new series so far but the futuristic mystery setting for this series? Amazing. I want more like this ASAP.

Can you give me more in this series (or make it one)?

I was incredibly bummed when Stacey Jay received a ton of flack for funding her sequel to PRINCESS OF THORNS. I absolutely adored this book and would kill to read more in this world/series. UGH.

BLACK DOG BAY remains one of my all-time favorite settings. It’s amazing. I’ve talked about it a million times on here. I would love for Beth Kendrick to keep surprising me with books in this series, like she did in 2019 with the latest book. She had taken a few years off so I assumed it was over and then it very randomly popped up to request on Netgalley. MORE!

For someone who fell hard for portal fantasy with this MARKED GIRL duo, I sure don’t read a lot of them! I would love to read more in this series though. Pleaseee.

How do you write such perfect settings?

And finally, you know I have to shout out a few of my favorite small town companion romance settings. I’d read companion books set in these towns for-freaking-ever. Thank you for Matchmaker Bay, Sweetwater Springs, Honeymoon Harbor, and yes, like I mentioned above, Black Dog Bay. There are quite a few others (Haven Point to name another) that continue to make me smile.


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